Author's Notes

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Okay, so I told myself I would NEVER write a season 3 fic. But season 3 has been ....very hard to take. Even not watching. Just knowing that things are happening ... it's all so horrifying.

I've actually have to come up with scenarios to play out in my head to try to make myself believe that the season isn't as bad as it is and that it really didn't have to be this way (hence the title of this story). 

So I decided to write out one of my outlandish theories to make it all the more real. I thought to myself, "what can be done right here and right now by the show to make it a show I'd watch again, even without Özge/Reyhan."  This is what I came up with. I admit that I did cheat and there's more Reyhan in here than would be if this story played out on the show this season. But this is just an example of how things could be. Hope it helps!

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