Lunch at Freddy's

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[This book's dedication goes to a very cool Wattpader I met a few months ago. In fact, without her this book wouldn't even be a thing. That person is RoxannaHayes, thank you so much for supporting the idea to write a book dedicated too one of my favourite characters in this entire franchise❤. So thank you Roxy, you're an awesome friend to have. Anyway, on with the book.]

Your P.O.V


Ugh, my annoying alarm clock. It's a sound that I and everyone else above, below, in and around my room will never get used to. But does that mean that its 7 AM already? Man I'm way too tired for this. I sit up, feel for my alarm clock and throw it across the room and crawl back into my covers. But my desire for sleep is ruined when I hear the sound of my name being called down from the dining room for breakfast. Sounds a lot like Mike, my best friend.




I instantly get up and dash down to the dining room and sit at the first chair I see. And obviously it's next to Mike. He always reserves a seat for me when this happens. I'm greatful to have a friend like him. We've known each other for three years since the day he first came here. He was the first person I talked to on his first day. We were friends ever since.

"Finally. You're up lazy-bones. I was just about to eat your pancakes." He says jokingly.

"And if you did then the next thing you would eat is a handmade knuckle sandwich from me." I say punching him on the arm. We both burst out laughing afterwards. I start eating my pancakes when Mrs Lategan comes into the room, she's the founder of this orphanage. She's kind and tells really funny jokes all the time. For someone thats in her fifty's she's pretty awesome.

"Morning everyone." She says.

"Morning Mrs." We all say.

"I have an announcement. As soon as youre all finished with breakfast I'm going to need you all to change into the best party outfits you have. Because for lunch we're having a bit of a treat." She says cheerfully.

"Really? What is it?" I say.

"I'm taking you all out for lunch at one of the most fun place in this town, at least according to the ads." She says.

"Cool. Where is that?" I ask.

"It's a surprise. Now finish your breakfast and go get changed. We're leaving in three hours." Mrs Lategan says walking off. I quickly finish my pancakes and he a up to my room and change into the coolest clothes I can find. (Pick one)

 (Pick one)

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I look at myself in the mirror and admire my cool looks

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I look at myself in the mirror and admire my cool looks.

"Damn, I look good." I say to myself. I then head downstairs and take a look at everyone else's outfits. After looking at them all I'm pretty sure mine is the best looking. Now I'm definately ready to go to this mystery reasturant.

▪▪▪Three hour later

We're all finally on our way to this mystery reasturant that Mrs Lategan was talking about. I'm sitting in the window seat looking out as we drive through town.

"Where do you think we're going Mike?" I ask.

"I dunno bro." He says. Then suddenly I feel the bus stop. I turn to look out the window and I'm greeted with something didn't expect to see. The bus stopped right outside of Freddy Fazbears. That's the last place that I would expect to have a lunch, not to mention that there have been rumors going around about six children being murdered, but their bodies were never found. The nightguards also say that the animatronics come to life after 12 AM and try to kill them. So why would Mrs Lategan bring us here for lunch? I don't get good vibes about this place, but I don't really have a choice to stay in the bus. So I go out and head in to the pizzaria. I hope nothing bad happens to me here, because with the rumors running around, I'm not sure that this is gonna be a regular trip to Freddy's.


Alright! Chapter one, complete! I think it went great for the first one, don't you guys agree? More chapters on the way so stick around. Maybe I'll make them a little longer because this one is like only 652 words and my other books are normally over a thousand words at least. If you wanna check them out then go ahead. They're all on my profile. But anyways that's it for now guys, I'll probably come up with a name for you like in my other books. I see you in the next chapter then.

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