Chapter 4, The Best Time of Our Life

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As Scarf was seeing so lonely, with her father Shin Mao, she was working so hard that she wanted to see Knitter again. She loves his cute attitude, his funny side, and best of all, his kindness and protection he has for her.
The black cat was done with chores, until her dad was sleeping, with all that demanding around her, he was so exhausted.
So, she snuck out, and finally, she was getting on a bench, where they eat granolas together, as always.

Until, Knitter came, with a smile,"I thought you were forgetting about me."
"So sorry I was taking so long, I have a lot of chores and training to do. You see, being with a big family is hard work."
"I know, right? Is like you're taking forever to finish up the things you have."
"Yeah, anyway, have you notice my dad?"
"Is your dad having a big golden armor?"
"Yes", she said, concerned. "Why?"
"He is the most popular hero on this town, he really reminds me of my dad, being awesome. About that, have you ever been going to a river lake before?"
"No, I haven't", the golden scarf cat said. "I never snuck out of this until now."
"Well, let me show you."

The love couples were dancing in the lake that is in the middle of the forest, it was glittering all over the water.
Then, Knitter show her moves, and how to show her own moves.

Finally, they danced around, and the scarf sister was feeling like heaven when she dances with Knitter.

Lastly, she heard a sound, it was HER DAD. He's looking for her, and she said, "I need to go, Knitter!"
"But, why?"
"No time to explain, see you later!"

Knitter was confused, but he shrugged.
Scarf sister is keeping a secret of not telling her family, especially her dad, that she is hanging out with Knitter.

Especially, when she thinks about him.

Scarfs in Love by ILoveCartoonsWhere stories live. Discover now