Chapter 1

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-The art is not mine- 

       I excitedly jumped from my bed and ran down the hall to the kitchen, not bothering to change out of my all might pjs. As I ran into the kitchen my mom laughed "calm down sweetheart you'll trip and fall!" she lovingly said as she picked me up and sat me down in a chair, Just then my father walked into the room wearing a smile almost as big as mine "daddy!" I enthusiastically remarked about the whale jumping up and down in my seat. "Hey kiddo" he said as he sat next to me paying my head, as soon as he sat down my mom put a plate full of Eggs and furikake in front of us.

      After breakfast we all piled into the car and started on our way to the doctors office. As soon as we got to the office I had already started rambling about how I wanted my quirk to be like my dads, or even better a combination of my moms and dads quirks. I half walked half bounced to the doctor's room, the doctor took an X-Ray of my feet along with some other tests then asked us to wait a bit while he looked at the results. About 5 minutes later he walked back into the room wearing a sympathetic expiration. "Sorry kid it isn't going to happen" those words hit me like bullets after that I just spaced out for the rest of the visit.

      On the way home I noticed that I seemed very upset but was trying (and failing) to hide it. As soon as I got home my father snapped at me to go to my room. I quickly obeyed and ran to my bedroom, I laid down and started to sob. I was quirkless. Through my sobs i could hear my parents yelling "he a useless quirkless stupid waste of space!!" my father fumed "he's still our son!!" my mother pleaded the pain in her voice clear. I tried to fall asleep but to no avail. It seemed that my parents couldn't sleep either, all night long I listened to them fight in the other room.

-Sorry that this is a short, hopefully the next one will be out soon-

-374 words-

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