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Bang, Bang, Bang.

It was the sound of disturbed metal, very faint but still audible.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

The boys head wiped around in search of what caused the sound.

"What are you looking for" asked one of his friends.

He looked to the woods bordering the path away from school.

"Y'all don't hear that?"

"Hear what," his friend asked while looking around.

"That banging noise, its coming from the woods,"

"Ha ha, very funny. You're not gonna get me with any of your Halloween pranks this year Mike," said another one of his friends.

Mikelle chuckled "No no, I'm not joking this time. It sounds like someone banging on metal."

His friend crossed his arms and shifted his stance "Go check it out then."

Mike smirked "fine, I will," he said as he ran off into the woods. As he got deeper into the labyrinth of tall trees and wildflowers the banging grew louder. With every step the feeling of impending doom burrowed deeper into his chest, but consumed by curiosity, he pushed on. After a few more seconds of walking he could see a clearing up ahead. He got closer and hid himself behind a tree. In the middle of the clearing was some rusty old train tracks. On those tracks was a little girl. She had shoulder length bouncy blonde curls and was dressed in a puffy white dress and white dress shoes, the type you would wear to church. She was jump roping on the train tracks. As she jumped Mike could hear her breathy mumbles.

"24, 24, 24," she chanted repeatedly.

Mikelle approached the child with caution, not wanting to scare her away. As he got closer the temperature dropped, a cold breeze biting at the tip of his nose. He saw that her white clothes were stained with green, brown, and red smudges. The hem of her dress was tattered and dirty and her shoes were scuffed up and missing the buckles. Her eyes where slightly red and puffy as if she'd been crying. Although the girl heard Mike coming, her cold blue eyes stayed fixated on the distance.

"Hello," said Mikelle timidly "what's your name?" he asked, punctuating his sentence with a smile.

"24, 24, 24," the girl continued.

Mike looked around in search of the child's parents. Worry painted clear as day on his features.

"Where are your parents? Do they know you're hear?"

"24, 24, 24," she chanted louder.

Suddenly the ground started to shake as if the whole forest was growling, the vibrations made Mikes knees week.

Chuga chuga chuga chuga CHOOO CHOOO.

The sounds of a speeding train drew closer. Mikelle could see it approaching, he was sure that the girl could to. She staired it straight in the face, continuing to jump rope.

"24, 24, 24, 24," she yelled with volume that could rival any machine.

"CHOOOO CHOOO," the train screamed back.


"24, 24, 24, 24," the girl continued, paying no mind to his frantic screams. Fully focused on the metal beast before her.

The train barreled down the tracks showing no signs of slowing. Its wheels eagerly pulling it closer to the child. Its headlights stared into her very sole, thirsting for blood.

Mikes body filled with adrenaline as his legs moved on their own. He used every ounce of strength in his body to shove the girl out of the way of the blood thirsty beast as it collided with his side. The girl fell to the other side of the tracks. She watched as the train drove over the boys' lifeless body, new red stains splattered all over her white clothes. The train passed and a ghostly silence once again filled the woods. She picked up her jump rope and moved the boy's corpse out of the way. She got back on the tracks and started jumping.

As she hopped, she mumbled, "25, 25, 25."

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