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One day, God was sat in his armchair watching all his children on his giant TV, when all of a sudden he realised something was missing. He was lonely.

Usually when he felt like this, he spent time with his favourite son - although he wouldn't admit it to anyone else - Jesus.

God searched and searched however, Jesus was nowhere to be seen.

"Jesus?" He called numerous times but to no avail. Jesus wasn't there.

He’d been searching for over ten earth hours, yet there was still no sight of his boy.

It was at this time that God decided to take matters into his own hands. He teleported himself down onto earth and started to look around from there.

By this time, God was in his human form as a humble servant to the name of Dave. However, he wasn't aware of how misplaced he looked with his bright, white cloak and his giant, white beard.

God shook his head in disbelief of the numerous people just standing there and judging him while he was sat in costa enjoying a luxury hot chocolate. I mean, sure he stood out from the crowd. Of course he did. But what was the point in staring? God didn't understand humans.

Then he noticed one pair of eyes that looked vaguely familiar. "JESUS" he cried, yet to his disappointment there was no answer. Many people turned to look at him oddly. Some even mumbled things about him to their friends or family. God continued to shout "Jesus" until the manager kicked him out after a number of complaints.

God sighed. He couldn't believe how rude his children had been towards him, even if they didn't know it was actually him.

As God stumbled through the streets, he bumped into a man. He looked up slowly to see the man he was most proud of creating. The man he took the most care with.


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