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        I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm. Oh great another day of being called names and being pushed around. Joy! please note the sarcasm. At least Its a friday!

       For the past 3 and a half years of  high school I have been bullied by The schools most popular guy Harry Styles and his group of friends. They usually push me around because im "Fat" "Smart" and "Ugly". But to be honest im really not any of those. To say I was sick and tired of their crap was an understatement .

      I really only have one friend and her name is Kymber. She has long brown hair and blue eyes and is the only person who has been there for me.

      I slowly got out of bed and stumbled over to the bathroom and turned on the water and grabbed  a towel off the shelf and took off my pajama shorts and tank top and jumped under the warm water.

I washed my hair with green apple scented shampoo and conditioner and then washed my body. When I was finished I turned the water off and grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body and jumped out stepped out of the shower and went into my bedroom and grabbed some underware and slipped those on. Then I went to my dresser and put my blue skinny jeans on and then put on a  pink lace top on.

When I was finnished getting dressed I went into my bathroom and straightend my dyed red hair to perfection and put foundation on and applied mascara and a thin layer of eyeliner. When I was finished I picked up my phone and ipod and ran down stairs and got my white TOMS on and headed to the kitchen to eat some cereal.

"Bye Lennie!" My mom shouted as she walked out the door

how many times do i have to tell her not to call me that . ugh.

When I was finished with my cereal I ran out the door and Jumped into my car and blasted Justin Beiber through my speakers. I would tell you what kind of car it is but to be honest i have no idea.

 I drove up the street and parked my car outside my friend Kymbers house and waited for the familiar blonde hair to walk out of her house. about to seconds later she ran up to the car and opened the door.

"Really lennox? Justin Bieber? Again?"


"No need to yell....gosh... im right here"

"Sorry but nobody! and i mean NOBODY disses the Biebs"

"I learned my leason. but can we please listen to Imagine Dragons this time?" She said with her big puppy eyes

"Please Kymber that doesnt- Fine" I said turning it to "It's Time" (Video on the side! fav video:D)and drove of to school.

When we got to school, I just tuned out the world. When we were in the hall way I was cut out of thought by Kymber.

"Hello? Earth to Lennox?"

"What? Oh hi.... sorry... What did you say?"

"I said the bell is about to ring."

"Oh ok let me go get my books"

"Okay. I'll save you a seat In Biology."

"Okay thanks Kim."

When I got to my locker I opened it and grabbed all my books and headed to class. When I walked in the room I walked over to Kymber .

"Took you long enough!" She joked

"Im sorry!" I faked cried and put my head in my hands

"Im sorry! I didnt mean to make you cry!!" She panicked

"Just kidding im fine" I said laughing at her


"Thank you" I said and turned my head to the front of the room. Just as Harry Styles and his 'crew' walked in. Oh great! Here comes the tormenting. Yay! Again note the sarcasm.

I know what you're thinking... Why would THE Harry Styles bully anyone? He is a delicious cupcake full of hot-ness.... Pssh yeah a cupcake full of douche who doesnt care for anyone but his ego which by the way could be its own person cause its so big... HAHA BIG! Opps sorry just being my dirty self again...

"WELCOME MR.STYLES! nice of you to join us." Mr. Robinson said

"Whatever" He said rolling his eyes walking to the back of the class.. See what I mean... DOUCHE

"Hey Fatty Lennie" He mummbled as he walked passed me and sat in the only chair left which happened to be behind me.

Ouch ok that kinda hurt... but I didnt want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me hurt so I turned over to Kymber who was giving me a sympathetic look.

I just gave her a weak smile and turned my attention back to the teacher. Which was hard to do with a certain boy by the name of harry kicking my chair. I just ignored him as best I could which again was really hard.

"Who knows what hypertonic means?" Mr. Robinson asked

Of course I am the only one that would know the answer because I am also the only on that accually pays attention so I raised my hand.

"Of course Mrs. I-know-everything would raise her hand.." Harry mumbled into my ear... I got chills down my back as his hot breathe whispered into my ear. I ignored him although I could see him smirking at the satisfaction of making me shiver.

"Yes Miss Rae?" Mr. Robinson said calling on me.

"Umm above solute concentration?"

"Thats correct!" He said smiling at me

"Smart ass..." Harry said loud enough for everyone to hear causing them all to laugh.

Out of know where I got all this confidence.

"Id rather be a smart ass then an egotistical dick head" I replied smoothly

"Woah who knew she spoke?" He said smirking

"Shut it dick head"

I glanced over at him and smirked in satisfaction and saw him staring at me in...awe? and shock.

"Mr. Styles and Miss Rae! you do not speak that way in my class. Please report to detention after school!"

"But I have better things to do then hang around with.. that" he said gesturing to all of me.

"Same goes to you curly" I replied as everyone started laughing.

He just glared at me

"Thats it! 3 hours detention both of you!" Mr. Robinson said clearly annoyed.

Oh Joy! and on a friday yay! I hope you catched my sarcasm cause if you didnt then you might need to get your eyes checked....


Hello:) my lovely people! unless your not a person? who knows these days *shrugs shoulders*

Anyway hope you enjoyed it! 

Please tell me what you thought!:)

And I need more characters so you can send me some ideas and ill dedicate it to you!:)





okay sounds like a plan!;)


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