Chapter 1 | Never Good Enough

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Chapter One


Never good enough. All my life I haven't been good enough, for anyone. My name is Averie Shay Fraser, and it's a Friday night. I should be out partying with friends like a normal 15 year old girl. You see, I would, but "partying with friends" would require friends. Which I don't have. Sometimes it feels like all of the girls at my school make it their life goal to make mine a living hell. They make fun of everything about me. I don't even know how to be myself anymore.

My Friday nights consist of sitting in my room alone, wondering if anyone would miss me if I....did it. Did the thing I've thought about doing over a thousand times. I doubt anyone would even know I was gone.


I sat on my bed, strumming my guitar mindlessly. Thinking of her, that girl. The one in my chemistry class. I don't even know her name. She barely talks. But lately...I can't get my mind off of her. Everything about her. She's perfect. I've never even said one word to her, and yet, I've never felt this way about someone before. I can't help thinking she's different. She's not like the other girls. If I could just get up the nerve to talk to her. I just need to know her name.


I decided I needed some time to do the only thing I was truly good at, and in peace. I grabbed my guitar and walked into the woods behind my house. I found the clearing that I've come to spend most of my free time, playing aimlessly and singing my heart out. I began to strum and all of my worries and troubles melted away. It was pure magic.


I don't know what made me take a walk that night. It must have been fate. Or maybe it was because Wesley had been getting on my nerves lately. He was obsessed with his girlfriend-of-the-month and didn't give a fuck about anyone besides himself. Anyway, I walked for a while, blowing off steam and just thinking. At one point I heard the faint strumming of a guitar and something else...the most beautiful voice I'd ever heard. I walked closer to the voice. "Hey!" I called out. The music suddenly stopped. I heard someone gasp and run, away from me.

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