Long lost friend

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Strong language, sexual content, if you don't like it don't read it please

All I want is nothing more

Than to hear your knocking at my door...

My alarm clock destroyed another perfect dream of mine. At least it is a nice song. Pfff. I got out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen to eat breakfast just like every morning. I checked the time and I still have 30' before my interview starts. This time I have to get the job. I can't work as a waitress any longer. I have all the colification needed for the job. It is going to be mine this time. I got dressed very classy. A knee level skirt coloured black with a bottoms up shirt and my black jacket and to make me look more profetional I took my black briefcase.

I got to the building where my interview would take place 10' earlier. 《Goodmorning》 I said to the receptionist. She looked like she was at her thirties and was wearing a creamy jacket with a matching skirt and a white shirt. 《Goodmorning how may I help you?》 She asked me politely.《 I'm here for the interview as the accountance.》 I informed her. I always like math. Probably because no one in my family did. It was my thing. 《Second floor, first door to your right》 she said with a smile. I thanked her and heade to the diection she told me. There were other 3 women waiting outside the door along with a man.

After I waited for what seemed like a very long while, I got in the room. My worst nightmare was sited in a chair behind a big desk. John Newman. I was dating that asshole for 5 months. He cheated on me... I broke his car. There goes my hopes of getting the job now. 《Look who it is》 he said with fake enthusiasm. I rolled my eyes. 《Goodmorning.》I said through greeted teeth. He interviewed me for an hour. When I got uo to leave he spoke 《 so how is it going? Found the perfect man yet?》 He said before bursting out laughing. After he recovered from his laughing I walked up to him and slapped him right on his left cheek. 《 Go.To. Hell.》 I said and walked out of the room.

I can't believe him! I need a very nice tee to relax me. I spotted a coffee shop near by. 《Goodmorning ma'am, what can I get you?》 The polite waiter asked me. He had brown eyes and a beautiful smile. He could not be more than 23. I gave him my order and left. I looked outside the big window infrond of me as people walked by to get wherever they wanted.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around only to be greeted with a set of two beautiful green eyes. Peter. Peter was something like my best friend during uni. But after that he left for unknown reasons and I never heard from him again. 《Peter! Hi!》 I said while standing up to hug him. 《 oh my God Elena! It's been so long》 he said after I released him from the hug. 《 indeed it has》 I said. He sat down at the chair next to me. 《 I'm sorry that I sat uninvited. Are you expecting somebody ,darling?》 He asked me. I missed his british accent. His kind eyes. 《No..it's ok you can sit》 I said. It just strucked me that I still have to return to work in two days. 《What is it darling? What's bothering that pretty head of yours?》 He asked. His hand was now slightly brushing my hair. He had told me he liked my hair because they're a lot. I have a lot of hair and the fact that they're curly does not help. They are in a dark shade of brown matching my eyes. 《 I had an interview today and didn't get the job again.》 I said with a pained expretion. 《 oh, doll. I'm sorry for that. But why didn't you get it?》 He asked as he studied my face. 《An ex boyfriend of mine interviewed me . Let's just say at the end of the interview I slapped him. 》 I said. A small smile was placed on my lips as I remember his shocked expretion. 《That's my girl.》. We discoused for a while and then we parted our ways.

It was refreshing talking to him. It surely made my day. I went home and made some mac and cheese. As I was eating my phone ringed.

I'll take you the long way ho..《 Hello?!》 I answered. 《Giiiirl! How about we go out tonight gurl?》 Said Kate , my best friend. 《How about....yeah》 I said. 《What's up with ya giiirl?》 Kate asked. Kate is from Siattle. She is crazy but a great friend.

I got dresses to my favourite black dress that flattered my curves and made me look semy dissent. My red heels to match and I'm ready to go.

I met Kate outside the bar and got in immediately not wanting to talk about my day with her. I had a few shots and now my head was slightly spinning. I had to get out for some air. I got out from the back door which led to a dark alley and the door could only be opened from the inside. Only I found that out when I closed the door. Thank God I had my phone with me. As I swiched on the screen of my phone I heard a squeak. I looked both sides and noticed that in quite a distance from me were two figures. One against the wall and the other one was pinning the first. I could tell it was a man and a woman. Suddenly the one being pinned fell on the floor. What if he killed her? And I saw... which means he is going to kill me as well if he notices me. Fuck. I tried to make no noice as I backed on the wall trying to make my self as unnoticeable as possible until the killer leaves. As I walked back I didn't notice the rubbish pin that was placed there.


The man turned and looked at my direction. Well...fuck me. My eyes widened. He started walking dangerously slow towards me. I looked to my left in search of an exit from this nightmare. When I turned again to look at the attacker again he was a few milimetres away from me. Aaaahhhh

I screemed as laud as I could. His hand was suddenly placed on my mouth to shut me up. 《Shhh..darling.... no point in screaming now is there?》 The strange man said in a dark deep voice. Where did I know this voice? 《Let me go...I wwon't ssay anythingg》 I stuttered to him. He studied me for a few minutes and then he caressed my cheek with two long fingers. 《Don't be afraid darling... I won't hurt you.》 Enphasising the you. I looked at him with a puzzled expretion. 《My darling Elena》 the man infront of me wispered. Then it hit me. It was Peter. The voice...the fact that he called me darling...《PPeter?》 I asked... 《 It's me darling. 》 he said while still caressing my cheek. 《Like a good girl that you are tell me now...what exactly did you see?》 He said in a very dangerous voice. 《Nnothing》 I said. 《Hmm》 he said. He seemed to be thinking about something and then he looked at me again with a determined look. 《I have to take you now.》 He wispered . His eyes were fixed on mine and had such intensity. I'm not sure whether or not he wa ted me to hear it but then everything went blank.

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