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On seeing her, I paled as I figured out who she was and that nothing remotely positive would result from this visit but at the same time I was extremely curious on what she had to say. I had to listen to her and get it over with but I surely wouldn’t make it easy on her either.

“Can I help you?” I asked her coldly.

“As a matter of fact, you can” she replied boldly making a step forward, “Can I come in?” “Yeah, of course” I answered making room for her to get in, my manners not allowing me to deny her.

She walked in the living room without even a glance around to acknowledge or even observe her surroundings. She was here on a mission and she came to do just that.

“Who are you?” I asked pretending not to know.

“Sweetie, you know exactly who I am as I know exactly who you are.”

“Have a seat” I said in a softer tone trying to calm things down.

“No, that won’t be necessary…” she replied unemotionally. “I’ll get straight to the point” she continued while she nervously rubbed her fingers. “I know that you and Harry are dating…”

“I don’t see how…”

“Just let me finish, please” she interrupted me rudely and I gave in interested in hearing her out.

“Do you know that he is married with a baby on the way?” she asked looking me straight in the eyes trying to understand how much of the story I knew.

“Yes, I do” I calmly replied.

“Then you are stupider than I thought” she said audaciously and looked at her hands before returning her burning gaze on me.

“Excuse me? I know exactly how he got married and why and I know that he was forced to it…” I try to defend both me and him “…and how dare you come into my house with this…What do you want from me? To leave him?” I hissed at her.

“That is precisely what I want you to do. If you know what’s good for you, you will ask him to leave you alone and go back to his family where he belongs” she stated in a simple manner as if she was asking the easiest thing from me.

“My sister is having the baby in a few days and her life is hell because of him while he is out having fun with some college girl with zero brains…Do you think that’s fair?” she asked rhetorically.

“I don’t have to justify myself to you…” I told her calmly as I realized that engaging in an argument with her would get us nowhere, it would be pointless.

“I suggest you leave now…”I continued.

“I don’t think you understand what I said…Leave him or there will be consequences…” she threatened.

“Don’t you think it’s up to him to decide what he wants?” I demanded.

“He is confused right now, you are confusing him…” she exclaimed.

As if by divine providence I could hear the lift reaching my floor and footsteps along with the noise of nylon grocery bags…

“Babe, open the door will you? My hands are full…” Harry was here and I was relieved but also terrified at what was about to occur.

Babe…?” She smirked. “I will leave now. I have nothing more to say to you…You have been warned” she added callously once more and moved to the door turning the handle to let Harry in whereas I stayed motionless and speechless stunned both by her audacity and boldness…

“Hi Harry!” she addressed him casually as if they were best friends giving him a fake smile while opening the door.

Shocked, Harry dropped the groceries and looked first at me and then at her returning his eyes on me examining if I was still in one piece.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now