Chapter Five

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It took me a while to get over the stupefied staring and the loss of words. I was more than aware of the way I must have looked like: the entangled hair, flushed cheeks and a wrinkled shirt. Joakim wasn't looking much better, when he stood behind me.

"I'm Daniel and, um, I guess I'm your roommate", I mumbled.

"That's just great", the golden eyed stranger sighed and turned away, as if to tell me the conversation was over.

That was nothing like I had imagined meeting my new roommate would be. I had a feeling this was going to be difficult or at the very least painfully awkward.

I think Joakim estimated the situation likewise, because he backed away silently. His expression was apologetic when our eyes met right before he shut the door behind him. Then it was just me and my new roommate in the flat.

"Sorry, that won't happen again. I didn't know anyone would be here", I tried to explain, just to break the awkward silence. The golden eyed stranger only snorted at me, still looking away.

"You're not very talkative", I pointed out.

"I wonder why.. I'm taking a shower", the golden eyed stranger snapped at me. He scowled at me angrily before storming to the bathroom.

It wasn't like I had done anything wrong, because this was my room, I was free to kiss whoever I wanted, and I didn't even know I had a roommate whose feelings I should have taken into account. So why was I so nervous?

The golden eyed stranger stayed in the shower for an eternity. I was starting to worry if he had found a secret passage to Narnia or gotten some sort of a seizure, when the bathroom door finally opened.

The golden eyed stranger took his time to open his bag and arranging some clothes and a book on his bed before turning to me. The look in his eyes wasn't angry, but somehow pensive and indifferent.

"I'm Kuisma", he blurted out still gazing at me. Before I had time to say anything, he slumped on his bed, got under a blanket and turned his back to me. For a while I just sat there staring at Kuisma's back abashedly, and when I finally recovered from my daze I got up to turn off the light and went to bed.

Only so that I could stare at the ceiling and listen to music from my ear buds. I wasn't tired anymore, so laying in bed in the dark room only made me frustrated.

My mind had been so occupyed with the new roommate, that I had completely forgot the fact Joakim had kissed me. We had barely gotten to know each other, yet we had nearly ended up in bed. That was quite something.


I woke up to a loud slam and it took me a moment before I located the noise to the kitchen. The flat basked in a bright light from the open blinds and the ceiling lights. I pressed my eyes shut and tried to go back to sleep.

Another loud knock, this time from a sideboard door. I glimpsed at the time from my cell phone. 5 am. I wanted to snap at Kuisma, but instead I just rolled over and covered my face with a pillow. Maybe he was still angry and I shouldn't make him any angrier.

It was quiet when I woke up for the next time. 6.20 am. It was still early and I was compeletely drained, but I couldn't fall back asleep. I got up and made a bucketful of coffee instead.

Most of the time I didn't mind waking up early, if I had nowhere to go and I just happened to wake up in the small hours, but waking up way too early while feeling tired.. that's just torture.

I was vexed and hungry. Of course I had only noodles and cereals, and the grocery store wouldn't open for at least an hour. So I had two bowls of cereal and browsed through Instagram and Twitter.

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