Chapter 2

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Have you ever imagined how silent it must be out there in space? Away from the earth and all human inventions, away from any kind of sound that anyone could possibly make by mistake or not.

If the topic was ever brought up, you would have tried to imagine it before this very instant that you felt as if you were breathing in such a silent place. A building in which after you entered made you realize how loud your own breathing was.

You had seen no sign of any living being till now as even at the door when you had rung the bell of the house, a camera had zoomed on you before the door flew open, inviting you inside.

To say that you were confused and reluctant would have been an understatement but after you checked on your phone one more time, you had hesitantly gotten inside as you had made sure that this was the correct address that was offering the employment.

When Areum, -Jungkook's girlfriend- had first talked to you about the job offer, you sure had imagined a big company of some kind, as the man she almost got engaged to -which goes by the name Kim SeokJin-, owned a company and she had said that his brother Mr. Kim Namjoon -as his name was-was in search of an assistant as his previous one had taken the decision to quit.

She had taken the initiative to suggest you to Jin as soon as he had mentioned such a thing to her since Areum knew that you were looking for a job and despite the fact that it may not be a position exactly inside the field of your studies, it was still a good post and offered a good salary.

You surely had appreciated her thoughtfulness and had decided to give it a try, hopefully ending up getting out of this extremely quiet place, employed.

"Is anyone around?" You decided to speak up, immediately regretting it because your voice echoed in the atmosphere making you feel as if you had shouted and not uttered your words in a normal tone as you had done.

You looked around for some seconds after speaking, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden, as the cold atmosphere and the naked space around you had managed to start giving you the creeps.

"This way, please."A voice spoke suddenly, making you turn around in a blink of an eye, a bit scared by the sudden appearance of whoever was that had addressed you. However, as soon as you did so, you were met with a young lady that was dressed quite properly. Her hair was tied in a low ponytail and her red hair was parted in half, bringing to the surface her structured face and leaving much attention to her matching colored glasses.

"Miss Mun Y/N, right?" She questioned and you nodded your head, still a bit taken aback by her appearance.

"If you have the kindness to follow me, please?" She told you before turning around and leaving down a corridor from which you assumed that she much have come from and you quickly gathered your thoughts and followed after her.

That white corridor ended up taking you to a room where existed a big desk before a wooden door that was closed and drew too much attention because of the detailed designs that were engraved all over its body as well as because of the size it had.

"Please, have a seat, Y/N. Do you mind me calling you by your first name?" The woman smiled slightly at you as she gestured to you to take a seat at the leather chair that existed in front of that big desk.

"Of course not. Thank you." You responded with a smile too before taking her offer while thinking in your brain that her question was not something that anyone could have answered in any other way but in a positive one as no one who would have come for an interview would dare to contradict anything the other may say out of politeness.

"So, Y/N, allow me to get to the point cause time is quite valuable to be wasted." The woman uttered as she took her seat on the desk that seemed to belong to her, making you looked briefly around till the name tag, resting on the corner of the desk, fell on your sight.

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