Last Day of School

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I know that for most stories they start on the first day of school. Well mine didn't get interesting till the last day of school. My name is Ashlynn Larsen just a normal choir girl in her senior year. I mean there is literally nothing special about me, except maybe that I can be friends with anyone. And that's why my first relationship and only relationship went astray. He decided that we are only friends and that was okay with me. But I can't help but feel that I will never be able to have a relationship or anyone love me. Maybe I'm just being dramatic, but Maggie, my best friend says that we can be single together. It doesn't help her cause when she flirts with every available boy. Maybe I will be single forever.

Well, I'm in my last year of high school. I have promised myself that by my senior year I will confess to my long time crush Mason. Mason and I met at our work. We both work at a local bookstore, I only work there because of my siblings and so does he. I liked Mason the first time I talked to him but I know how Mason is; I would never be able to be with him. My crush on Mason wasn't bad until we started to go to the same high school then I would see him all the time and my heart wasn't able to shut him out.

So, this year is the year it will be my first confession. Well, if I could figure out how to confess. How does one confess on the last day of school? Maybe I go up to him like, " Hey Mason. How are you? Good? Good. So, I like you and I have for a long time and I know you don't feel the same but I just wanted to tell you. Well, bye." No, that could not be right. Maybe I could write "I like you," in his yearbook and see how he responds. I decide that's a good idea and then I see Mason in 2nd period without a yearbook! Who doesn't get a yearbook? Well, that plan won't work; so I stick with the old fashion way and decide I'm going to write him a letter telling him how I feel.

I write:
Dear Mason Peterson,
I have know you since 8th grade and I have to say you have never ceased to amaze me. You are so smart, and funny, and really handsome. I like you, like a lot! I've liked you since the first time we talked, where you teased me for knowing all the words to "Hakuna Matata." Everytime you have gone out of your way to talk to me has made my heart skip a beat. Everytime you smile at me I can't help but smile. I know you are my bestfriend and I may not be more to you than just that but I couldn't go onto college without you knowing how much I care for you. I know this may be extremely awkward so I am going to stop writing know.
The Song Singly Ashlynn

The bell to 3rd period rings and I realise I'm running out of time. I turn to put the letter on Mason's desk but he is already gone. I groan and sling my backpack over my shoulder and head to lunch. I meet up with my good friends Maggie, Mika, and Jules. Mika is already sitting at our table and Jules sits across from her going through her bag to find her lunch. While Maggie on the other hand is just eating a granola bar sitting on the floor besides the table. I run to them and tell them my plan. Maggie exclaims very loudly, " Finally! You have been fawning over him for years." I glare at her which only bring a giggle out of both of us. Mika begs me to read the letter out loud and I think it's to personal, but Maggie, Mika, and Jules all get up and plead to read the paper that I just poured my heart into. So I finally give in very reluctantly but they all huddle in a circle and start to read my confess. They all start to "Aww" and then they giggle so I know that they have gotten to the end. They all look at me and say, " It's perfect!"

Hey guy! I am not the best at writing so bear with me. I hope you enjoy and comment on thoughts you have.

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