018. versus the deep

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versus the deep
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 ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮EIGHTEEN!versus the deep ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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         It was the middle of the afternoon and the four freshmen quickly had rushed to the Med Bay in the robot after receiving an emergency call from Mark Walker. Apparently, Ryan had gotten hurt at the local skatepark and was in need of immediate medical attention.

Right now, Natalie was in the process of evaluating the boy, who laid on the bed. The girl was in full doctor mode. "Walk me through exactly what happened." She asked, wanting to find the cause of his injury.

"Ok, I had a vision just like the first time Mech X4 tried to reach out to me, just way more intense. I saw Grey and some sort of shark monster. I also saw Harper's giant monster heart somewhere under water." Ryan explained, sitting up.

"But we destroyed it." Spyder reminded.

"It's possible pieces of the heart landed in the Bay." Harris pondered.

"Hang on, we don't even know if the visions are real or where they come from." Mark pointed out.

"But the last time I got a vision, it led us straight to the robot." Ryan reminded, getting up.

"Guys, we're getting a new robot! I call technopath!" Spyder exclaimed excitedly.

"No, that's not how it works." Natalie pointed out, causing the boy to frown.

"Ok, so if the visions are real, that means Grey is making another monster." Mark wondered.

"But she only did that for Harper and Harper's dead." Spyder pointed out.

"Spyder actually has something there." Hana's eyes widened in disbelief at his observation.

"I don't know what she's up to. We'll ask her after we take her down." Ryan announced.

"We are not equipped to fight underwater." Harris scoffed, completely unprepared.

"Then we'll need to upgrade sub mode with everything we need to fight Grey." Ryan inquired.

"Texting Leo." Harris announced, pulling out his phone to text the scientist and creator.

"But wait, how are we gonna find the monster heart? We don't even know where in the Bay it landed." Mark questioned in confusion.

"Harper was working on some unique metals. Natalie and I could track it if I knew exactly what it was made of." Harris announced.

"And how would we find that out?" Ryan asked.

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