Chapter 1

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"Hyuu~! I looooove you!"

"Stop chasing me!"

The two children ran about down the bricked streets of Aspertia City. One was a young girl, maybe six , her rosy cheeks painted delicately over her pale face while her blue eyes gleamed like the sun on the sky. Her chocolatey hair tied into two buns. The child's pastel pink dress was also speckled with a fine layer of dirt and tears from playing outside. Her white tights shredded at the knees though that didn't matter. Her name was Mei Rosa. Her laugh was bright like bells as she ran after her best friend.

The other young one was a boy by the name of Hyuu Hugh. His navy spikes of hair blew back in the air as he ran at the speeds of a Liapard. His black tee-shirt flapping at his back, both hands covered in scrapes when he had tried to catch himself when he fell.

A few of the pedestrians simply walked down the streets leapt from the children's path, giggling quietly at the youth and energy the friends practically radiated. Mei kept on Hyuu's tail all the way up the steps to Aspertia point with an exuberant bounce in her steps.

"I got you!" She cried out joyfully practically jumping on top of her best friend. The panicked Hyuu attempted to hold his balance but the time came for them to tumble like dominoes onto the ground.

Hyuu huffed as his neighbor sat up on his spine and ran her fingers around his hair, "Don't jump on people, Mei!" He first wailed, angling his head up to face the girl. The setting sun striking the side of her face in a golden light and it caused the other half of Mei's face to be shrouded. Hyuu's heart skipped a beat for a moment. She gently rolled off from him and the two stood. Yet not really recognizing the odd feeling Hyuu had experienced he took it as bad thing and shoved Mei back to the cinder shaded walkway.

Mei was forced to crash onto her side. Sitting back up it was obvious the girl was upset, "What was that that for?" her voice was hurt by what her friend did.

Hyuu, finally dawning upon what he just had done and turned his head away with embarrassment. "Sorry." Was all he could mumble out to his friend.

"It's okay!" Mei replied quickly, being the overly-forgiving child she was. The brunette intertwined her small fingers with the boy's, stringing him along to the railing. There they saw the orange glob of sun dispersing into the summer's sky behind the bone-like mountains that broke the horizon in the distance. "If you promise me one thing!" Mei suddenly broke the spell of mystic silence.

Hyuu turned to the girl with an expectant look, yet he felt a some fear trickled though his mind. Last time something like this happened, he had to play her slave for a day.

"When we get older, you marry me!" her face was shaped with a genuine smile with her open hand forming over her mouth like she was about to laugh.

A hot blush steamed across the young boy's face that even reached the tips of his sheet white ears. Hyuu's cranberry eyes widening as his heart beat in pulses that trembled his entire body. Quickly it all melted away as he grinned brightly before shouting,

"It's a promise!"

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