The Suicide Note

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The Ridge Falls’ famous bridge was built a long time ago by Arber Ridge, the founder of this small provincial town. It was neither that big nor long but it was very sturdy and the crisp wind always bellowed softly there. A lot of the townspeople would head there to admire the great view of the canyons and the small waterfall at the middle of it. It was already midnight and the town clock’s alarm echoed eerily around the town. Houses were quiet for the people living in it were sound asleep, not knowing what was going on at the bridge.

Anabeth Simmons was standing at the edge railings of the bridge, staring down at the harsh currents of the wide river. Her hands were shaking and the wind seemed harsh on her face. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. Anabeth took a long and solemn breath.

This is for the best I guess, she said to herself.

Her parents were out of town as usual. She didn’t expect them to read the note she left before she will try to jump off the bridge. She shrugged the thought off; making her more depressed than she already is and had been all her life. She felt bad not telling Sierra Holland, her best friend and practically her only friend. Her note said:

Mom, Dad,

            You might be wondering why you are seeing this note or why am I not in the house. By the time you read this note, I may be dead already. This is pretty much a suicide note. I am off to jump off the bridge. You may or may not have found my body but it doesn’t matter. You guys don’t know but I am the classic depressed teenager. Barely any friends and is labelled as a freak. All these I’ve taken it in and just kept smiling but I can’t stand it anymore. I’m sorry I didn’t meet your expectations. Thanks for everything though and sorry.


 Anabeth gave a slight laugh at the memories of her depression. Her hands began to slowly let go of the railings. As she was about to fall, someone took her hand and abruptly pulled from the edge and then she landed on the bridge’s floor on her back hard. She groaned slightly.

“What are you doing?!” she screamed. She got up and patted off the dust off her shirt. Her head was down, not seeing the person’s face.

“Can’t you see a suicidal person when you see one?” she said, looking at the person. It was Jesse Richter, the school’s most popular guy. He seemed angry. His blonde hair contrasted harmoniously with moon’s beam. His deep blue eyes showed a lot of rage and his handsome face cocked a little to the side. His muscled arms crossed.

“What am I doing?” he said fiercely “, what are you doing at the edge of the bridge?”

Anabeth threw her hands at the air.

“Isn’t it obvious enough?” Anabeth cried out, tears threatening to come out of her eyes “I’m committing suicide; I can’t stand living my crappy life anymore.”

Jesse’s hands freed to the side. Anabeth started to sniffle.

“What about your parents and Sierra?” Jesse said.

“I left my parents a note” Anabeth said.

Jesse thrust his hands into his pockets and then held out a piece of paper. Anabeth’s eyes widened.

“Is this the note?” he said.

“W-why do you have that?” she asked, stammering.

He approached her closer, dropping the note on the bridge’s floor. He took her shoulders with both hands and hugged her.

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