Magic Man

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He stepped into the shower and the hot water ran down his body.
His last fight had been a rather bloody one.

His opponent hadn't been that strong so the bloodbath was short lived, but he still got it all over himself.

The last time he stayed in one of the rooms at heavens arena was well over ten years ago.

Back when he and Killua had been training to fight Hisoka. That clown had disappeared a long time ago, after he separated from the phantom troupe.

Gon realized that even though they had spent a lot of time together, he didn't know anything about the magician.

He remained a mystery.

Back then he had only been a child, he didn't even wanna know who Hisoka really was.

But now and then he'd wondered how the clown had turned out the way he did.

Hisoka was creepy and touchy, yet he was strong and determined. He seemed to be interested in women, but then he would still sneaked up on little kids.

Yeah, he wasn't the only one getting hit on by the magician.

„Odd", Gon murmured to himself.

He stopped the water and grabbed a towel before leaving the bathroom.

The hunter opened the glass door to the balcony and watched the people below.

It was already past midnight and the streets were full of drunk teens and elegant dressed adults.

Gon went back inside to get dressed but then back out for a smoke.

Two years ago he had tried a cigar and since then he smoked one now and then.

He felt a pair of eyes on him. It was the balcony right next to his.

Gon couldn't see the person standing there but he could see eyes. Piercing, golden marbles with an intensity that could kill.

He only knew one person, who these eyes could have belonged to.


Gon dropped his cigar and faced the shadow.

He was there, just a few meters away. The hunter had been so distracted by his thoughts and it was almost embarrassing.

"What's embarrassing about it?" A deep voice rumbled from the dark.


The tall man stepped out of the shadows and jumped onto Gon's balcony.

The brown eyed hunter's instincts told him he should be getting ready for a fight.

„Calm down, little one", the magician purred. „I'm not here to fight you, not today."

Hisoka hadn't quite changed a lot. He was the same height, but he wasn't that slim anymore. He wore his hair down and his signature star and teardrop were now replaced with a heart and a triangle. His card-attire was gone too. He simply wore a formfitting red blouse and leather pants with a belt buckle that was probably worth more than this entire building.

Gon wasn't sure if the clown was telling the truth. Even though he was a magician, tricks in order to win a fight unfair weren't his style.

„Why are you here then?" Gon's voice was sharp and loud.

Hisoka took a few steps forward, intimidating his opponent even more.

What was his deal?

Before Gon could blink, the magician was already right before him. Their faces were only inches apart.

The black haired man was starting to feel claustrophobic and even tough he didn't want to, he took a step back.

„Scared of a funny clown like me, Gon?" Hearing his name roll of Hisoka's lips caused him to tense up.

„I'm not scared at all", replied Gon and tried to maintain his Pokerface.

„Well, you should be."

The next thing Gon felt were Hisoka's lips on his.


He hadn't actually done that!?

The hunter tried to pull away but he hit the railing behind him.

He even thought of just jumping, but the clown grabbed his waist and wasn't letting go, it was like Hisoka had read his thoughts.

„Let go of me, old man!" Gon finally managed to get Hisoka off him.

„Didn't you enjoy it?" Hisoka cocked an eyebrow at him.

Hell, he did.

„Not at all! Now get out before I fight you-wait you know what! I'm not going to fight you! That will probably get you riled up even more", snapped Gon at the redhead.

„You know me too well." Hisoka simply smiled.

That fact made Gon even more angry.

Thai shitface hadn't been around for years and here he was, creeping up on him, when he just wanted to be alone.

„I'll be coming back for you, Gon."

The magician received a disgusted gag from the black haired man.

„If you return, your dead."

„Dying sounds like an awfully big adventure."

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