Please, find me

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Your P.O.V

I walk inside the pizzaria and everything seems pretty notmal to me, there are a bunch of kids running around, their parents are chatting and the smell of fresh pizza is in the air. The only thing that creeps me out though, is the animatronics on stage. I heard a rumour that one of the guards found a child's skull in the Freddy animatronic suit before he got killed. I wonder if the kids were stuffed into those suits. I'm snapped out of my daze when I hear my name being called.

"Drake...Drake, bro snap out of it." I hear. I shake my head a bit and turn around to find Mike calling for me.

"Oh, hey Mike. I didn't notice you there." I say sheepishly.

"What are you staring at?" He asks.

"Those animatronics are creepy huh?" I say putting my hands in my pockets.

"Yeah, they are. You know there was a rumour that a night guard found a child's skull on the Freddy suit." He says.

"I know. That's just another reason to feel creeped out about this place. The only part of this reasturant that's not so creepy is the arcade." I say.

"Which we should definately go to right now!" Mike says pulling me toward the arcade games. We get to the first game we see and start playing against each other. We continue to play the games for about thirty minutes until we're called by Mrs Lategan for lunch. After lunch we play the arcade games again for about five hours. Now it's closing time and we all stat going to the bus. But as I make my way there I notice that there's a room in the back of the pizzaria, close to the bathrooms. It's dark and the door is slightly open. I wonder why it's open, and what could be in there. Instantly my curious and adventurous side takes over and I walk over to the door when I'm sure nobody's looking. I make it there and slowly open the door to take a look inside yet all I see is darkness. I walk inside the room and feel my way around. I feel nothing, but then I feel something on my feet. I pick it up and feel it. It's a flashlight. I turn it on and shine it around the room, seeing metal askeletons and animatronic heads. Then I clearly know where I am, a parts and service room. But then I hear the door close behind me.

"Wait, why is the door closed?" I say rushing to it. I feel for the handle and pull down on it and try punching the door, but it doesn't move. "Crap, please don't tell me the door is locked." I say pushing the door again. It doesn't budge. It is locked,

"I'm locked in." I say to myself. "I'm actually locked in here, all alone, in the dark, in a place where six children were to be murdered and stuffed into animatronic suits that come to life at night to try and kill whoever is left in this pizzaria!" I say hysterically. I rush to the door and start banging on it hoping someone mighy hesr me and let me out.

"Help! Help! Open the door! I'm locked in here! Let me out! Please!" I scream, but nobody hears me. I bang the door more and scream as loud as I can, but still, nobody hears me. I grab my torch and shine it around the room trying to look for something that might be able to get me out of here. But there's nothing in this room that could help me at all.

"How long am I gonna be stuck here? Hopefully not so long." I say to myself. I figure that I might be stuck here after Fazbear's opens tomorrow. There are a bunch of boxes and a few sheets and blankets in the room I'm in. So I decided to make a bed to sleep on. If Im gonna be stuck here I might as well get some rest. After about five minutes and I finish the bed. I lie down on it and surprisingly, its pretty comfy. I shine my torch in a way that the whole is lit up and crawl into the covers, but soon I crawl out of the covers when I see something lying in the corner. I walk over there and pick it up. It's a Bonnie pkushy, but golden and without a bowtie. It actually looks kind of adorable.

"Huh? How did this get in here? And how did I not notice you before?" I say. I put it under my arm and crawl into my covers. I hold it in front of my face and examine it closely.

"Hmm, I think I'll call you, Golden Bonnie." I say to myself before holding the plushy against my chest and falling asleep.

▪▪▪Seven Hours Later▪▪▪

I wake up on my bed in the parts and service room with my Golden Bonnie plushy still in my hand. I sit up and walk to the door and try to open it again, still locked. I let out a sigh and walk sit against the wall on the other side of the room. I hug my knees and hold the Golden Bonnie plush tightly. But as soon as I do I hear voices coming from behind the wall that I'm sitting against.

"Come on! Get up and try to open the door"

"But we tried a hundred times already, its locked."

"Jeez! I don't care! If you're not gonna do it, I'll do it myself."

There's more people trapped in here, in this room. But how long were they in there? If they say that they've tried opening the door a hundred times then they must've been here for a long time. But I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear banging on the wall.

"Hey! Is anyone there? Open the door! I'm trapped here! Please help!"

"Ow! Ow, stop it! You're hurting me again. Just face it. We're stuck here forever, and..."

"No one will find me,"


I hear footsteps walking away from the door. I feel sorry for these people, trapped here just like me. But then I realize that there aren't two people trapped in the wall behind me, there's one. Regardless, I still feel so sorry for him.

"I'm scared."

"Me too."

I hear sobs coming from behind the wall, it shatters my heart completely. I feel like ive been punched in the gut knowing that they think that they aren't ever getting out of here. And now that i think about it, that might be the same outcome for me.


"Find me."

My heart sinks. I want to help him but there's nothing I can do to help. Hell, I can't even help myself. But there is one thing I could do. Talk to him. I gather all my courage and try to talk to him, try to let him know that he's not the only one going through this. Hopefully we'll make time pass by so fast that we'll both be let out of here. I just hope.

Yea! Chapter 2 finished. It's actually kinda sad at the end. But it ties well with the picture in top. Just another reason to feel sorry for Springtrap. But that's all for now guys, see you all in the next chapter.

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