the beginning

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we both had exact taste in coffee. black coffee with a hint of sugar. it was when our hands collided did i feel my heart sore for this handsome stranger. those beautiful brown eyes made me feel as if i was swimming in hot chocolate. 

'sorry darling. i thought this was mine.' he spoke, his voice rich with sensuality.

i could only shake my head as i stepped away from him. my face was hot and pink. he gave me a brief smirk before hoisting his guitar case over his shoulder, and heading out into the busy new york street.

however, deep down i knew that this person was different. i couldnt let him get away. i needed to know his name, his number, and most importantly - his pin number for his card.

in an instant i rushed out the cafe doors and quickly scanned the crowd of people for that gorgeous hat. i saw him and quickly maneuvered throughout the people, and found myself right behind him.

'wait! i dont know who you are. how will i ever see you again?'

he whipped his head around - his golden locks flung over his shoulder. 

'youll see me sometime - im sure of it.'

'b-but, what about your name?'

'christian. christian farquad.'

then  he continued to walk away. the only thing that ran in my mind was 'christian farquad, christian farquad, christian farquad.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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