May I Have This Dance?

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"This is going to be the biggest event of the year and I don't want a single one of you messing this up!"

Endorsi announced to the team.

She had just finished explaining that she would be hosting a major event in the Tower as a Princess of Jahad.

Being famous, she had a certain image to uphold and she sure as hell didn't want her team to drag her reputation through the mud.

"It's a formal event so make sure you guys wear something appropriate, no tracksuit Shibisu. And there will be dancing so brush up on your formal dancing skills in case any of you weeds are asked to dance."

After finishing her insulting announcement, Endorsi proudly strided from the room leaving the remaining members to complain amongst themselves.

"This is going to be a pain in the ass. Why do we have to attend?"

"N'aaw, don't complain Hatz. We might meet some good looking girls!"

"Is that all you ever think about, Isu? I agree with Hatz on this one. It'll be a waste of my precious time."

"That's alright for you to say, Khun! Being from the ten families, you've probably been to loads of these events, and we all know you could easily get a girl to dance with."

Shibisu whined whilst the team members chatted.

As Shibisu continued his moaning, Khun noticed that one person in particular had kept quiet during the conversation.

"You okay, Bam?"

There was no response from the golden eyed boy who was staring blankly into the distance.


Khun leaned over and waved his hand in front of Bams face who jolted in his seat from the sudden interruption to his thoughts.

"Everything alright, Bam?"

"Yes, I'm fine Khun-san."

The fake smile plastered on Bam's face was all too obvious to Khun.

"What are you stressing over this time?"

"I-i'm not stressing over anything!"

Flustered, Bam smiled and waved his hands in front of him as if to emphasise that he was really okay.

Reaching over again, Khun pinched Bam's cheek pulling on it hard.

"You think you can fool me after all these years? Come on, tell me what's on your mind."

"Haha, I really can't lie to you Khun-san."

A sad laugh escaped Bam's lips as he gave in.

"Its really not a big deal though. In fact it's nothing, so I wouldn't want to waste your time on it so...."

He's embarrassed.

Khun was really good at reading people but he was especially good at reading Bam. After watching him and chasing him for so many years, it was no surprise.

"You know I would never consider anything to do with you a waste of my time Bam."


Bam shuffled in his seat at the statement and he weighed up his options.

"Urgh, they're flirting again. Get a room, guys."

Khun smirked at Shibisu's comment as he realised the rest of the team were watching the exchange.

"Don't be jealous, Isu, just because I'm getting some and you're not."

May I have This Dance? KhunBam Where stories live. Discover now