Ex-Boyfriend and coffee

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"I'm sorry, I found someone else that I like" Mami says to Kazuya, those few words shatter his reality, and with that his hopes of having a future with her are gone so is his conversions with her that he wanted to have to learn more about her destroyed. He couldn't say that he didn't see this coming, they never really got closer as time went on. Sure they went on a few dates here and there, but they had never made a deep personal connection. He felt that a break up would be inneviabitale so this happening wasn't that much of a huge shock to him yet he had hoped that this day would never come.

"Oh really, well then I guess we're over right?" Kazuya asks her as he smiled putting up a front that didn't show his true feelings, and as he managed to keep his voice from cracking "Well then I guess I'll see you around" He finished talking before heading off to the train station tears prickling the edges of his eyes making his eyes a bit hazy as he started to walk faster before it transformed into a full on sprint to his apartment.'So it finally happened huh? I gave it my all but she decided to break it off after only a month. Was it something I did oh god what if it was and that's why she decided to leave me for another guy it's all my fault sorry that I couldn't make you happy' Kazuya thought to himself as he sat down before laying down on his futon as he started to fall asleep.

Walking down a street that he wasn't familiar with he looked back to what seemed like an exit of a train station. Looking around once more it looked like he was still in Nerima Ward or somewhere not so far from his apartment. Pulling out his phone to get a clue to why he's here 'I guess I'll look at my recent notifications to at least try to get an idea why I'm here' Kazuya thought to himself. Searching his phone he saw an app he never downloaded Diamond opening the app to see what exactly it was but before he even had a chance.

"Ah Kazuya-kun? It's me" A girl that looked like the embodiment of kindness in his eyes.

"Yes it's me. Kazuya at your service!" Kazuya spoke the first thing that came to mind. 'Oh god that was just bad. Who is this girl? Why does she know me?' Kazuya asks himself questions flying left and right.

"A comedian! Let's speak over there." Apricot brown eyed girl says pointing at a sign he can't fully make out.

"Wait this is a dream is it not?" Kazuya says aloud before pinching himself. Nothing no pain "Well whoever you are that means I've met you before! Science!" Kazuya says before
'I guess I really did let my first break up get to me more than I thought it would, maybe it was for the better that Mami left me for someone else' Kazuya thought as he gave a small sad chuckle while washing his face getting ready for the day to come. From his pocket he felt his phone vibrate, pulling out his phone looking at the screen to see what notification it was. 'Ah Kibe sent me something.' Kazuya thought.

Kibe: Kazuya are you ok, Heard the news bud hope you doing good ~ 10Pm
Kibe: I'm heading over in a bit
Kibe: I'm here,open the door!
Hearing the constant knocking coming from his apartment door Kazuya gets up and opens the door to see his two best friends Yoshiaki Kibe, and Shun Kuribayashi standing in front of him "Hey guys what are you both doing here?" Kazuya asks his friends as he moves to the side, out of the way of the doorframe so that they can enter without pushing past him.
"We are here to cheer you up man, you just went through your first ever break up so here we are" Kibe answers his question lifting up the bag in his hands and making his way into Kazuya's apartment with Kuri entering right after him, placing down a bag that has a few beers and snacks in it "So how are you doing?" Kibe asks him.
"I'm doing well I mean it was going to happen sooner or later i'm not really a 10/10 catch or anything" Kazuya answers him while opening the first beer of the night "I felt something was going to happen I tried everything to get closer to her but it seemed that she wasn't feeling the same way."
"Yeah we could tell, You did your best man, but right here right now we're going to drink until our morning classes begin." Kibe says to his best friend while Kuri grabs a canned beer for himself and Kibe.
"Yeah, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life, Kazuya. Let's drink until we can't anymore!" Kuri added onto Kibe's sentence "Oh what should we do this weekend then! Now that Kazuya is back, let's go to an idol concert!" Kuri asks the others after taking a swig of beer.
"Nah, I have to start looking for work soon. You both know the deal that my dad said to me." Kazuya dismissed Kuri's question, mindlessly scrolling on his phone while answering.
"Yeah, wasn't it around 100k yen for you? That's still a good bit of money." Kibe says a bit of red starting to appear around his face.
"Hahah! You're flushed already! How this is the lowest alcohol percentage at the 7-Eleven we stopped at!" Kuri wheezes at how tipsy Kibe is starting to look.
"Listen, I haven't had a beer in a while!" Kibe replied as to defend his pride as a drinker "The last time I had a drink was when Kazuya went out. Which was what almost?" Kibe asks no one in particular while staring at his fingers trying to count.
"Kibe! It's only been what? Two weeks at max, how do you not remember!" Now Kazuya is laughing at his friend's antics. The trio drank well into the evening talking about their plans for the weekend. "Alright, alright. I'll go to the bar with you guys after I apply to a few places." Kazuya slurred out
"YES!" Kuri yells, so he got up nearly tripping, but in the end opened the door to the small awning. "Here that Japan. KAZUYA KINOSHITA IS BACK IN BUSINESS!" Kuri screams out into the starless sky.
"Kuri you idiot get back in here! I'll get evicted because of you!" Kazuya shouts at his friend.
"It's fine Kazu. If that does happen you can move in with me!" Kibe tells his friend smacking his fist onto his chest. Making him fall on his back "Yeah if neeeeeds be Kazu move in with me" Kibe repeats before his eyes close.
"Well whenever he starts to call me Kazu you know he's had too much to drink." Kazuya says to himself before looking for his other friend. "Kuri get back in here it's what? 2 am we have classes in a few hours." Kazuya says to his friend who's still outside.
"Will do cap!" Kuri replies, giving a two fingered salute before grabbing a blanket and lays down "Kazuya what're you going to do tomorrow if you see Mami?" Kuri asks his friend.
"I'll just ignore her, or at least try my best to not talk to her." Kazuya answers truthfully to his friend before closing his eyes and sleeping.
'Ugh why is my alarm so loud?' Kazuya thought to himself while sitting up 'I drank way too much last night didn't I?' he asks himself while looking around to see several cans of beer around his apartment "Ah I seem to have answered my own question' Kazuya spoke to himself in a monotone voice. "Guys wake up you've got to help me clean up this place before we head out." Kazuya says as he shakes his friends awake.
"I don't know cap. I have a pretty big headache." Kuri replies with a bit of slurring in his speech still.
"I'll buy you the biggest cup of coffee if you help out right now." Kazuya bribes his friend and with that it seems that Kuri got a new burst of energy and within 10 minutes the apartment looked as if there hadn't been a person living there at all.
"So about that coffee." Kuri says to Kazuya, sighing, leading his two friends to the nearest Lawson. "Nope. I worked to the bone cleaning up your apartment. I deserve better!" Kuri announces.
"There's a cafe a bit down the road from our college so we have to get there soon." Kazuya tells his friend while looking down at his watch '7:50. Class starts at 8:30' Kazuya thinks to himself. "Listen I'll get us all coffee but you have to make sure that the professor doesn't mark me late!"
"Yeah,Yeah. I don't want anything since I did absolutely nothing but I'll make sure that this morron doesn't forget to tell the professor." Kibe promises me while they both walk to campus.
"This is going to be a long day," Kazuya says under his breath as he walks to the cafe he goes to every once in a while.
"Welcome! May I take your order?" The cashier asks him. Kazuya scans the menu looking for something that Kuri would like.
"Uh yes can I get one coffee, two sugars and some milk, and can I also get a mocha with like 10 espresso shots?" Kazuya replies. The cashier looks at him a bit weirdly before ringing him up.
"Your cost is 675¥ and your order number is 15." They say while giving him the receipt. Kazuya takes it and waits for his order to be ready.
'8:10. I really need to start heading back now' he thought to himself. A couple of minutes later his order was ready grabbing both cups of hot coffee and he exited the cafe.
There was about 15 minutes until classes started so he started to speed walk across campus to reach his class "Hot very hot coffee for my friend." Kazuya mutters to himself but off in the distance he hears her.
"Wow really you'll help me out with this paper, that's so kind of you!" Mami praised the guy. Kazuya thought it'll be fine but it isn't, but he looked her way for a bit too long that they made eye contact which he immediately broke.
'Come on man. You're Kazuya motherfucking Kinoshita! The next owner of a family store.' Kazuya thought while not looking at his surroundings, as he knew his way around campus "Yeah I've got this! Nothing is going to bring me down!" He says to himself that's until.
"Hey there! You almost bumped into me!" A girl with twin tails yells at him. Kazuya hadn't noticed her in all his commotion of him going to class. "Jeez you almost spilled whatever you have onto me!" The girl yells once more.
"Oh sorry, just in a rush. Uh do I know you?" Kazuya replies while taking a quick glance at his watch '8:26. I still have time to make it to class on time!' Kazuya beamed at his time management skills.
"You know what this isn't worth it." Twin tailed girl says after a big sigh "Just be more careful with your surroundings next time ok!" Was the last thing he heard from her before she walked away.
"Well that was one way to start the day." Kazuya mutters before continuing his walk to class "Though I swear I've seen her before? Eh, maybe just one of those faces." Kazuya says before he enters his classroom. 'Apricot brown eyes. I've seen them before haven't I?' Kazuya thinks as he starts to tune into what the professor is saying.

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