hey guys, my name is lauren.

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hello, my name is lauren. i am 12 years old and live in the most boring state in the world. ohio. i mean we do have cedar point, lebron james, michael jackson's gloves, and museums, but nothing really exciting. so im in 6th grade. and i have a pretty huge crush. his name is ricky. he has blond hair, blue eyes, and hes really really tall. hes super funny and nice and hot an just perfect. but there's one problem. he likes another girl. ugh this happens to me too much and its annoying asf. i snapchat him ALOT, and i think hes into me. or not😂 i mean he likes this girl named maria that he met at a swim meet (btw he plays football baseball swim and basketball and a six pack😍) he only see's this maria girl during summer and it probably wont work out between them. hes better off just dating me. lol. annyywayyy hes been telling me hes scared to ask her out and idk what to do, should i let him ask her out, have them break up, and be the next girl in line? or should i just flirt until he cant not date me. or is that too slutty? no? okay.

now some important stuff about me. i love to sing, dance, draw, baton twirl, organize, and eat. i am pretty popular in school. i have a lot of friends, but jenna, norah, alyssa and anthony are my best friends. i love to party, but at the same time all i wanna do is stay home and watch netflix all day. i am pretty much what you could say, a "common white girl" and i order a venti vanilla bean frape with 3 pumps of raspberry and NO whipped cream bc i like the flat top cup that they serve it to you with. i eat a lot of junk food, but i manage to stay really skinny bc i have a high metabolism. unfortunately, that will slow down after a while and i'll become really fat, so i exercise regularly. i play volleyball, baseball, and basketball, which also keeps me fit throughout the year. i am a very good student, and i mostly get A's and B's, maybe a C once and a while, but not a lot. i have a mom and dad (obviously) and a 16 year old brother, jeffrey. i can be pretty sassy sometimes, and im really sarcastic. i am quick at comebacks, so i can get into some trouble at school. i get into a lot of drama without me even noticing. i am loved and hated by many people. i have many fake friends, and i know they are too. i try not to be that kind of person, because i know it bothers me a lot.

so yeah thats enough writing for tonight. again, my name is lauren, and i am the sassiest person ever.

byee :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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