HP_& A Grandfather's Gift (By MadScribbler)

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HP_& A Grandfather's Gift (By MadScribbler)



Chapter 1

Harry Potter sat alone on the steps leading to the great doors of Hogswart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, re-reading the letter he had received the night before.

Dear Mr. Potter, 

I have something which your grandfather, Charles William Potter, left for me to give to you. If it is possible for you to do so, please come to my shop tomorrow after the Hogswart's Express arrives in London. Tidwell's Wizarding Tents and Trunks is located in Diagon Alley, two blocks north of Gringott's bank. This matter is both urgent and confidential. If you are unable to come at that time, please send an owl to let me know when a more convenient arrangement might be made. If, however, you can be here tomorrow, no owl is necessary. 


Thomas Tidwell 

Harry refolded the letter and stuck it in his pocket. His grandfather had left him something? Had his grandparents been alive when he was born? Why hadn't it been given to him before now? He wondered what it would be like to have grown up knowing his grandparents. 

Remus had arranged to meet him at King's Cross Station. They were going to Gringotts for the reading of Sirius's will, and then to Remus's cottage for the night before Harry returned to the Dursley's house the next day. It had been exactly a week since Sirius had fallen through the veil, and the last thing Harry wanted was to walk into Grimmauld Place knowing his godfather would not be there. He was sure that Remus felt the same and had decided to take Harry to his own cottage for that reason. 

He had not told Remus about the letter, but he was sure he would allow him to visit the shop before their appointment at Gringotts. Mr. Tidwell had said the matter was "both urgent and confidential." He wondered how much he could tell Remus without him repeating it to the headmaster. 

Harry was upset with Dumbledore. He believed that much of what happened could have been prevented if the headmaster had not kept silent. Had he been honest with Harry; had he told him about the prophecy stored in the Department of Mysteries; had he made Harry aware that Voldemort could place false visions in his mind; had he gotten anyone but Snape to teach him occlumency; had he not kept Sirius a prisoner in his own house; had he allowed them to get rid of Kreacher; had he not allowed Snape to goad Sirius . . . 

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses, forcing his thoughts back to how much he should tell Remus. His thoughts were interrupted as the doors to the castle opened and Neville and Luna joined him on the stairs. 

"All packed, Harry?" Neville asked. 

"Yeah, just waiting for the carriages," he answered. 

"Where are Hermione, Ron, and Ginny?" Luna asked. 

"Ron's still packing. Hermione's helping him, and I haven't seen Ginny since breakfast." He looked at Neville sheepishly. "How's your nose?" 

"It's fine. Madame Pomfrey fixed it right up." 

Harry nodded. "How about you, Luna? How are you doing?" 

"I'm good, Harry," she said, staring at him with her wide blue eyes. "How are you?" 

"Fine," he said. "I wasn't hurt all that much." 

She stared at him for a moment longer, then opened a copy of the Quibbler and began to read silently. Harry turned his attention to Neville. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "About everything." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2011 ⏰

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