becoming one

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Chase's POV: I was cuddling Rocky while the witches that summon us could talk. I was wondering where Marshall went to, but tried not to worry about it

Marshall p.o.v: I was watching the girl that summoned me as I was curious more than usual about her capabilities what kind of which she was I just stayed not far but not close just to keep an eye on her because for one thing she seems very familiar like we met before

Katie:i was practicing some fire magic, thinking about the legendary wolf I summoned

Marshall: I looked at a couple of suits of armor them I had got a excellent idea suit of armor strong and true make this metal Bust a Move as I said that the farmer begins to do whatever I did first I had made the suits of armor with the Shields get in front of the suits of armor that only had the swords

Katie: *looks to see what happened

Starla: will of fire strong and true and might be suits of metal into puddle of goo as I said the incantation the suits of armor started to melt

Lily: raging wind Furious and fast strike my enemies whirling blast a big Airstream hit the suits of armor that was on fire

Marshall: impressive impressive I said to myself as I was laying down in a tree watching the battle intrigued

Katie: I start to look around to see if anyone cast the spell to make the suit of armor move then I saw the legendary wolf of magic and divine power then I was curious about one thing suit of armor strong and true hear my words and return to where you came

Marshall: I sat up in Surprise as she was able to make the suit of armor return from where it came all I can do is just clap my pause well like you are one interesting little girl I said jumping out of the tree but just because you can do that don't mean I accept me being familiar

Katie: R-really?

Marshall: what

Katie: I-I'm just surprised to hear that. Thank you, but are you sure about the familiar part?

Marshall: read my lips you will never be worthy enough for me to be your familiar

Katie: Why?

Marshall: I do not have to explain myself to a human

Katie:No you don't need to explain yourself

Marshall: I turn my head to sense something coming Chase Rocky get over here now! I said as a dark Aura was starting to form

Chase: * runs up to Marshall* what is it

Rocky: *runs up as well

Marshall: get ready he's back

???: well it's been a long time you three

Rocky and Chase: growls and gets in a fighting stance YOU!?!?!?

Marshall: well it has been a long time Dark Void

Dark Void: exactly and you know what I came here for

Chase: * thinks*

Rocky: What you mean?

Chase: Wait...................................WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT OUR POWER FOR?!!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?

Marshall: not your powers mine

Dark Void exactly but to get your powers I need to kill the person that summon you

Marshall: well too bad for you because I don't have a master I was talking to the three witches telepathically do not say one word and you will be able to see the light of another day

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