᭝᰷ฺ໋݊🍊ᮁ᳟ࣳ - three

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"miwa, over here!" jihoon waves at her as soon as he saw her. he's waiting infront of her locker so they can walk to their class together.

"hoonie!" miwa ran to him when she saw him waving at her.

"hoonie? new nickname huh." jihoon smirks as he help her with her books.

"what? you don't like it?" she pouted her lips that makes her even more cuter and jihoon can't stand it.

"of course i love it honey bunch." jihoon chuckles at her innocence. "have you make friends?" if it's a girl, then it's alright for him.

"so far, not yet." she shrugged. "by the way, can i stay at your house for a while after school? dad allowes me to since he'll be in his office."

jihoon didn't know if he should let her or not. cause his friends will be there too, they're planning on to play video games and have a movie snacks together. but he can't refuse her or she will get upset.

"of course, my friends will be there as well." he said while they're walking to their next class.

"really? that's cool!" she exclaimed.

"so here is the class." jihoon gestured her to come in first, trying to be a gentleman. but yea, he is a charming and gentleman guy yet, a bit sensitive.

"sit beside me miwa!" jihoon pulled the chair for her and she gladly sat on it.

"girlfriend?" a voice asked behind jihoon.

jihoon sighs as he know that question will come out. "no hyunsuk. it's my cousin, miwa. miwa, meet hyunsuk. my best friend. i'll introduce you to my other friends later when it's break time."

hyunsuk smiles sweetly at her, showing his cute face. "well, hi there cutie. nice to meet you." hyunsuk winks at her.

"uhh – " miwa stares at hyunsuk weirdly. she can guess that hyunsuk is a flirty guy.

"don't worry, he is always like that." jihoon whisper at her. the close gap of jihoon's lips and miwa's ear could make it look wrong. miwa bit her lower lip feeling a bit shy because of his breath fanning on her ear.

now it's hyunsuk's time to stare at them weirdly. he made a fake cough to catch jihoon's attention. jihoon pulled away, scratching the back of his neck.

"so, uhm – let's talk about you miwa." hyunsuk gives her a charming smile. he is doing that so she could fall for him.

since he saw her coming in the classroom, he felt his cheek heating up. (🤡 dfkdfdkdfjfk)

"you're very close with jihoon. tell me his hidden personality." hyunsuk smirks at jihoon who's eyes are widen.

"hmm – nothing much. jihoon is a nice guy you know." she smiles sweetly at jihoon while jihoon was blushing.

"jihoon? a nice guy? i can't see that. anyways let's change the topic. do you have a boyfriend?" hyunsuk asked without any hesitation.

jihoon hits hyunsuk's arm half - playfully and half - seriously. (lmao)

"nope,i need to focus on my study first since we will graduate this year." miwa shrugged.



mhm, study? let's see. i might be ruining her focus on study and let her focus on me. this girl seems so special. we just met today and we talked like we know each other ages ago. how we talked comfortably, i love it. set aside jihoon, i acted like he's not there lol. sorry jihoon. but this cousin of yours is interestingly attractive and sweet.

might as well bring her out one day like a date aye?

suddenly, yoshi came banging my table making jihoon, miwa and me startled.

"sup broskis!!" he sat beside me while putting his arms on the back of his head. i guess he didn't realise that miwa is here as well, or should i say. . . . my future girlfriend?

"dude, stop doing that! we might get die just because of that." i sighed. my heart beat is still beating so fast because of that, or should i say again. . . . . because of my future girlfriend is here? (i am joking asf HAH 😼)

"sorry bro HAHA. i thought you guys are used to that?" jihoon raised his eyebrows at us.

"but like, this time is louder than before." jihoon said.

"exactly." i nodded in agreement.

"oh and yoshi, meet my cousin miwa. miwa, this is yoshi my best friend as well." jihoon introduced the both of them to each other.

"oh sorry, i didn't see you there hehe." he rubbed the back of his neck.

now he suddenly became an innocent guy tf yoshinori.

"it's alright, nice to meet you!" miwa smiles.

seriously, her smile is the best thing i ever seen.

"you too!" yoshi stick ou his hand for a hand shake. before miwa could took it, i slapped yoshi's hand away.

"what the –"

"social distancing and no skin contact." i gave him a smug smirk, jihoon too.

"what's poppin?" a cute bunny face guy with a small – looking guy came beside them, joining the group.

"nothing much, just here with miwa." i said.

"m - miwa?" doyoung asked then turns his head slowly to the side to see miwa gave him a small smile.

"h - hi, i'm doyoung." doyoung gave her a small smile.

doyoung is my best friend since we are in middle school. he must be like her already. what'd you expect? it's park miwa, park jihoon's cousin.

i saw mashiho who seems to be hiding behind doyoung. what's with this guy?


hey guys, it's  been
a  while,  sorry  for
the  vv  late update
cause i have exams
T^T        so        hard

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