chapter 1

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I ran. I ran and didn't dare look back. I was out of breath, sweating, and barely feel my legs from running so hard, but somehow I kept running. I could hear the clattering of hooves not far behind me.

Knowing the great horse was closing in on me, I took a sharp turn to the left, nearly colliding with a tree.

My feet began to give out making me stumble upon myself a few times. Suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks.

I had come across a barrier of rocks in front of me, just as I stopped my lungs felt like they were about to burst from running so long. Just as I caught my breath, it was quickly sucked away by the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.

I slowly turned around, and there stood the great horse and his rider sitting atop. The man's face was all in shadow, for his cloak blocked me from identifying him.

In my entire life I had never felt scared. No this was wasn't just being scared, but the feeling of.. Fear. The feeling made me sick to my stomach. This man staring at me now made me feel like a mouse compared to him. The way he held himself like a king would made me shiver and the blood in my veins go cold. For this man was no king.

As I stood there, the man dismounted his steed and drew his sword. The sword was long and silver, it's hilt strangely familiar to me. It was in the shape of a dragons face and the outer edges its wings. For a man like him to have a sword like that was unknown to me.

Despite the swords beauty, it looked heavy. Though this man held it as if he were holding onto a leaf.

He started to walk-no, more like he floated towards me. He was like a wisp of a shadow, bearly making the leaves beneath him even move.

Frantically, I looked around for anything to use as a weapon. Cursing at myself, I couldn't find anything that would help me. My magic was no use, I was drained down and tired of running.

All I saw were trees, so many trees. As I looked back at the man, I saw he had come closer only a few feet seperating us.

With his long sword, he raised it high above his head. I tried to back away, but the rocks behind me prevented me from doing so. If I ran for the mountains just west of these woods, he would still catch up with me. We would be back where we started. The man was still looking at me with his sword raised, I had nowhere to go. I was trapped. The way the man held his sword with ease let me know if I tried to block his sword It could easily cut a limb or kill me on the spot.

Suddenly the man said words that made me quiver in fear.

"The world shall burn at the hands of death." he said.

With those final words, he slammed his sword down upon me--

I shot up from my bed, sweating and out of breath. I looked around frantically, forgetting where I am. I'm in my bedroom where everything looks the same.

My desk is piled with my books and papers in the far left corner of the room across from my door. The window above it is slightly open, letting a breeze through and cool my room.

My dog Bruce is at the foot of my bed sleeping peacefully, though he drooled on my sheets. Gross. A glass of water is sitting on my stand next to my bed, exactly where I left it when I fell asleep.

Everything looks and seems normal to me, but the feeling of the dream is still fresh in my mind. Memories of it come flooding back like a the strong current of a river.

Why is the same nightmare happening every night?

I've been loosing sleep over this for a while now, and it's eating me alive. That man.. What did he want with me?

I haven't the slightest idea of course. To get my mind off things, I get out of bed and walk over to the window and look out across the forest just a miles away from my house.

It's big trees, with the moonlight shining down upon It make the moons rays of light look beautiful against the ground.

I've never been in the woods myself, but some people say that the woods are home to the fae. Magical beings who are cousins to the fairies. Speaking of magic or even thinking about it is against the kingdoms rules, though.

Magic has been banned for nearly two decades. When the great war over the land of basmia took place, it was the fae against man. I've read in old books that the war was won by the king, Adrian Cather. The fae had been beaten by the iron the men had used to drain their magic.

Now the king of basmia is king, Daias Cather. The blood line of the Cather's never seemed to stop flowing, King Daias has one son and of course, the queen. Many books say King Adrian was a well respected man and loved his people like his own children.

Nowadays, people have forgotten what a nice King even looked like. King Daias is a man of greed, and likes to take things by force. He's practically the most greedy man the world has yet to seen.

After the war was over, the fae had gone back into the woods. So now, it's called the fae woods. No one has seen a fae being since the war, It makes me wander where they all went or if there still in the woods at all.

A low bark brought me back from my thoughts, I look over to were Bruce is laying on my bed. His tail is wagging like crazy, Bruce is my family's dog and hunter.

He's got a big bark and even bigger bite, but in reality Bruce is just a big dog with a big heart for his masters. He follows me everywhere I go, mostly because I'm the one who trained him. In other words Bruce is my best friend, I've raised him since he was a new born pup. My parents never really grew on Bruce, but they didn't mind one bit. My little sister Celaine, is only nine.

You could say she's like a little angel, but in reality she's a little brat who doesn't like to share anything. She's a short girl with a big head of black curls and grey eyes that are easily mistaken for a light blue. Her skin is and olive tone, same as mine.

Compared to her I'm almost a complete opposite, with almost silver hair that goes down my shoulders in big waves, and eyes the are grey like hers.

Instead of being short I'm tall, with an average build. I wouldn't say I'm fat, but I'm not saying I'm skinny either.

I have a small nose that makes me look younger than I really am, but my jaw makes up for it being defined. My say is my jaw is my best asset.

Walking over to Bruce, I wonder what will happen if I told my parents about my nightmares. I bet they would be to busy to listen to me anyway, they think I'm a crazed child with weird hair and my

You see, I'm not exactly normal to begin with. Since the age of eight, I've been able to control the form of Ice. Magic, as people call it. I've only gotten stronger as I grow older, I used to only be able to make snowflakes.

Now I can create Ice with just a thought, winter is when I'm at my strongest though. Based on the element of my gift the seasons effect me.

Winter is when I'm my strongest, and summer is when I'm the most vulnerable. It gets easier, really after learning how to control it better I found it easier to go out in public and be a bit normal for once.

While I'm petting Bruce, I start to doze off again. Hoping the nightmare won't come again, I fall asleep with my head on Bruce's stomach.

Hey guys!! This is my first chapter for my very first book! I'm super excited to be here on wattpadd doing what I love to do! I hope you all love my story and there's more coming! I have many things to do before I get to my story's, so I'll try my best to update alot. Thanks again to wattpadd for giving me an opportunity to write stories! This story is completely from my imagination, so if someone has a similar story in any case I have no intention of stealing stories from any one. Thanks again!!

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