Why am I writing?

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Welcome to me I guess. Should I introduce myself, like with a picture of me or something? Ya why not? Hi new journal, I am Sierra, right now 18years old, with every teeth still in my mouth and no will to move. I guess I am pretty, very pretty on a good day, but that's not why we are here, no? I have been journaling before in my life but I always stoped, here too one day I will, maybe next week? or sooner? I don't know okay? But like I know, I have a social problem, shyness, and I may go over the top but a little bit of social anxiety. Don't worry I am trying to overcome it and be more myself or even there when I am with people, by reading this book called "screw being shy" cool right? The man or woman, I hope it's a woman, cause she's very smart, anyways, she/he said to keep a journal and maybe write the negative thoughts so the brain stops thinking about it, I know the brain is weird and complicated, like the memories, thoughts are genetic, like wtf? They pass from gen to gen, its more clear when I explain that with animals (-the men), when they are born, they know exactly what they have to do, so some University were interested and studied about it, and like I said it was genetic, they know what the dangers are, like we do, we are naturally scared of snakes (-the human snakes). It's a very emotional book for someone who doesn't like to talk about it (like me), by it I mean social anxiety, I even hated to talk about it, and that's when I knew that I needed help, and like not being able to talk about it I thought that maybe I should help myself and go to the famous internet, google, and found the book in the deep web, jk.

Anyways, isn't journaling weird? We started doing it when we were kids for fun and stuff, by watching shows like Violetta where she had a super pretty journal with drawings and all, and so I was so super motivated to do something like that but my handwriting is the ugliest, was actually, now I think its pretty, and my drawings are getting better but that's another topic. Well 'the book actually taught me that its not just about the pretty stuffs and to brag or cry about the day, don't get me started there, if 3 months ago you would ask me about journaling I would have said that it's to talk to ourself about our day and well in quarantine we don't do much and if we do then it's the same thing over and over, nothing really new about it, but what do we have in quarantine are a loooooot of thoughts both negatives and positives. Anyways my way to recovery with this social Anxiety, youhouuuu!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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