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Alison's POV

THE cold wind blows through my hair as I walk down the side walk in the middle of the night. My hands are placed inside my jacket pockets to keep them from freezing but it doesn't help much.

I just left the brew. I didn't want to leave but they were closing it for the night. I had no choice but to leave the warm place and come out in the cold.

As I continue to walk to nowhere in particular, I hear the sound of a car coming from behind me. From the sounds of it, they had slowed way down. The worst thoughts come to my mind so I pick up my pace. If anything, I'll just pretend one of these houses is mine and just walk into the yard.

They pull up beside me and drive at my pace, making my heart race. "Need a lift somewhere?" It's a male voice that I don't recognize. I glance at the guy inside the mustang. He has brown hair but his eye color is unidentifiable due to the darkness.

"No, thanks. I'm fine walking." I state, never stopping.

"It's cold outside." He reminds me. I slow my pace, hesitating on taking the ride with a stranger. It wouldn't be the first time I have been picked up before.

Taking a deep breath, I come to a stop and turn to him.I give him a slight smile before getting into the car with him.


I let out a deep shaky breath as the guy finishes who I have yet to know the name of, falls into a laying position beside me breathing heavily as well.

"That was...Wow." He looks over at me in amazement. I only nod my head with a fake smile. At least one of us can say wow.

It was not great for me, nor did he even get me there. I have just been getting better at faking the orgasms. It's so easy to pretend and the guys fall for it every single time. It's pretty sad if you ask me. Most just assume they know what they are doing and think they are great at everything they do.

But I push those thoughts away in the back of my mind. Anytime I have them, she pops up in my head. I try so hard to not think of the last time I saw her and how we ended things.

I don't think I can ever forgive her for turning her back on me, but at the same time, I would have done the same if I was in her shoes. A part of me knows it was my fault for what happened to our daughter.

The sound of the guy snoring wakes me from my sleep. The clock on the wall reads 6:30am. I usually do not stick around this long but I was so tired that I had fallen asleep. Thankfully, I can still leave before the guy wakes up.

That would be an awkward conversation. After getting up out of bed carefully, I slip my shoes on and head out the house. I find myself back on the streets once again.

I walk to the brew, my normal routine. I try and hang out there for as long as I can without getting kicked out for being there too long. I like to try and stay out of the cold so I do not get sick.

As I reach the brew, I slow my pace down recognizing the vehicle parked on the side of the road. There would be too many questions if she sees me. It's been a few months since I last spoken to her.

I quickly turn around and walk the other direction. But it was too late.

"Alison? Is that you?"

I sigh. Great. I turn around with a small smile, trying to hide the sadness that I feel seeing her.

"Hey. Long time no see." I try and joke, looking Aria over slightly.

"Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you." She walks over to me and places her arms around my waist, pulling me close to her into an embrace. I slowly relax into her.

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