Chapter 10:Ship Company

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Author's POV

I'm  so sorry guys I didn't  update a part,Because my tablet charger has a problem.I'm so very sorry.I hope all of you continue to support this.

End Of author POV

Clishi's POV

Michan has been punish.I'm  here at the cafeteria waiting to open the 4th floor and the motive.

Lucento:Announcement,I've  open the 4th floor,you will see light Hahahashahahahahahhahaha!!!!!

What light?

At the fourth floor we have garden that has sun and clouds a farm of chicken and the sun and clouds is only painting.Light huh?!Whatever.

Shikari:I only want to see a real sun?


We see only garden and set of bow and a social hall.Another locked room.

Lucento:You bastards!Go to the gym.

Lulia:I think the motive wilbe said.


We are here at the gym.

Lucento:The motive will be announcement.

Togami:I think it's more convincing.

Lucento:Yeah!!!I will offer a ship agency and if not someone will kill after 24 hours no price.Hihihihihihihihiuihihihihi!!!!!

Kirigiri:Ship agency?


Kauro:It is not  convincing.

Shougoun:But who knows?

Author's Note

Sorry Hiroshima Shin is included.Confusing in characters.So 12 survivors

End of Author's POV

Then Shougoun and us left.

Lulia:I have find mystery again.


Lulia:Switch on my switch.(She turn back)

Togami press it.

Fukawa:Why are you touching her?You have feelings with him.

Togami:If I say yes?


She cry and ran.

Lulia:She is jelous?I've  found out that this school has a real principal.His body is inside in this academy,that's all.

Me:So the principal die here?

Lulia:Like that.

Then Hagakure press back to red.

The real principal is really controlling Lucento?Geez.

The next day

We here a shout.


Came from social hall.

We see Kauro full of knife,stab to head,heart,both he' knee and his two palm.It so brutal,Kauro is like a dart board.


Mia:Yucky!!!Too many knifes.

Lucento:The body has been discovered the trial will led after investigation.

Happen at the social hall around 2:00 am at midnight.A letter and a kiss in a cheeks in the face with Kauro.He'll been killed.

And a bag.

We're here at the trial cort.

Lucento:Get started!!

Ikook:Knife is the murder weapon.

Hagakure:Obviously,and no doubt!!

Kirigiri:Do you notice the letter?

Shikari:In a hand of Kauro.


Kirigiri:The letter say,"Meet me in the Social hall,This your crush".

Togami:So Kauro will meet someone,and a girl.

Me:Kiss in his cheeks.

Mia:Girl cannot do that?

Kirigiri:It can.

Ikook:A girl can't do that and the girl I think is a dart player.

Mia:No,it can't be!!!

Me:Why are you so defensive?


Kirigiri:Why are you so defensive?

Mia:Because..........I'm the culprit!!!!!Idiot and bastards,I'm  so obvious in the start!Hahahahahahh!!!!


Author's Note

Why Mia kill Kauro?
Stay tuned.

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