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Harry's POV 

I was in Dark arts defense. After this toad lady came, I had a bad feeling about this. 

"Cedric diggory's death was nothing more then a tragic accident." Umbridge spat in a tone that screamed lies. 

"No! I Was there, i saw everything" I replied back, I was so mad, yet sad. How could she?! I was there! I had given all of the proof I had! YET she still doesn't believe me.  Umbridge looked at me in an annoyed look. Something like she was going to kill me any second, yet she tried to cover it with a smile. 

"Enough of you, mister Potter. Detention!" The toad lady half yelled. I was furious, and I felt like I could hex her any moment now. But i tried my best to stay quiet. I was too tired to argue.

Draco's Pov 

I was just minding my own business, while I had the urge to look at Saint freaking potter. I didn't fight back and I looked up at potter. Oh boy, his hair, it was so messy, after some time, I looked back down at my work. After class, I wanted some alone time, but that was impossible. Pansy at my tail, Crabbe and Goyle can't stand 5 minutes without arguing with each other, and Blaise, He couldn't stop staring at weasel, out of all people. 

Harry's pov

"I'll catch you later mate, I have detention with old toad lady." I told Ron. "Oh that's alright, good luck buddy, you're gonna need it" He replied simply. I just smiled at him and left for Umbridge's office. 

"Hello Mister potter" Umbridge said with a fake smile. I wanted to puke. But I entered the room and closed the door. "..Hello..Professor" 

"sit, sit"Umbridge gestured to the fluffy pink chair. I looked around for a moment, and oh god, all i saw was cats. cats! everywhere I turned, There were cats, Everywhere. I sat down and looked at her in an uncomfortable look, I was forcing myself not to scream at her. 

"You're going to be doing some lines for me today, mister potter" Umbridge ordered. I put my bag down and tried to calm my heart down, after all. I was furious. I reached to get my quill when..

"No, not with your quill, you will be using a rather important one of mine." Umbridge stopped me from getting my quill. She got up to get the 'special quill'. She came back and handed it to me.

Hm.. quite familiar.. what..? I thought. It looked like a blood quill, wait.. those are illegal! I opened my mouth to point it out but I hesitated. I decided not to, I didn't want things to be worse.

"Now.. I want you to write.. 'I must not..tell..lies"" Umbridge said. I looked down at my parchment paper. I hesitated. 

"How many times..?" I asked. Umbridge was still standing behind me.

"Let's just say..as many times for the message to, sink in" Umbridge replied with a  grin.

I looked back down at the paper. But..

"You haven't given me any ink.." I pointed out. 

"Oh you won't be needing any ink." Umbridge replied, with a rather.. un-settling smile

 I started to write, After the first sentence, I felt something. I was kind off shocked and it was coming from my wrist, I looked at my wrist. I was..surprised..? no, no, I expected this to happen. It's a blood quill after all. My wrist began to shake a bit. There they were.. The words "I must not tell lies" appeared on my hand. 

I Looked up at Umbridge who was now in-front of me.

"Yes?" She asked with a smile.  few seconds passed..

"..n-nothing" I replied. I was so.. mad..and.. I just wanted to crawl into a box and stay there.

"That's right, because deep down, You know you deserved to be punished." Umbridge spat, but with a smile. oh god, How much I wanted to Kick this lady.. 

Draco's POV 

Here I was, in the middle of chaos. Pansy clinging onto my arm, Crabbe and Goyle fighting over the last piece of cake, And Blaise sleeping, eh he was chill. 

This is normal. I thought. But then my thoughts slowly drifted to Potter, him and his green eyes. I remember him staring at me at breakfast, What was he plotting? Was he looking for another fight? What was going on

"Draco!? DRACO, DRACO!" Pansy called out to me. 

I blinked, and I turned to my friends, Pansy, Blaise , Crabbe and Goyle with the last slice of cake. 

"Merlin Draco, Are you alright? You zoned out for the past 5 minutes." My eyes widen , 5 MINUTES?!, I HAD BEEN THINKING ABOUT POTTER FOR 5 MINUTES!?

"Draco? DRACO" Blaise called, while snapping his fingers in-front of me. 

"Ah, finally draco, You've been zoning out recently. Are you alright?" Crabbe asked, He sounded rather sad, Of course, Goyle took the last piece of cake. 

"Y-yeah.. I-I'm fine" I mentally slapped myself because of my stupid stuttering.

"Not thinking of potter, are you?" Pansy chuckled. 

"What!? NO!" I tried not to blush. 

"Alright then, come on. I'm hungry" Blaise pulled my arm and I got up.    "I'm coming Blaise, Ya don't have to pull me" 

Harry's pov ( At  the great hall ) 

I sat down at Gryffindor table, next to Ron and Neville. Ron was filling his plate, with so much food, Not surprised. I laughed to myself. 

"Harry, Are you alright?" Hermione asked in worry, putting down her book. 

"yeh msate, ya gwanna eat thast?" Ron asked with food in his mouth.

I looked up at my two friends. 

"Yeah.. I- I'm fine, Just not hungry." I replied. My mind was still full of Draco, why!?

Ron continued eating, Still having a worried look on his face but tried to not think much of it.  But Hermione was still skeptical about the words coming out of my mouth. Hermione looked at me with a questioning look on her face. 

I mouthed 'what?'    "Harry, are you sure you're okay?" Hermione asked once again.

I looked back at her and nodded. I just couldn't stay in the crowd anymore. I got up and left the great hall. I sighed and tried to occupy my mind. I have homework to do.. Maybe that can help me. I thought. I was desperate to get my mind of Draco. 

What am I going to do ( Draco x Harry )Where stories live. Discover now