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So let me give you a little backstory on Ginny's twin. Her name is Octavia Molly Weasley and younger than Ginny by 5 minutes. She is born to Molly and Arthur Weasley being the youngest sibling out of the Weasley's including Ginny. Octavia actually has brighter hair than Ginny by 6th-7th year but starts off sort of Ginger-brown(tbh its suppose to be flaming red but couldn't find a picture) She has her mom's personality and looks more like her dad. She sloves doing pranks with her brothers Fred and George. She isn't like Ginny as you think she is they share some traits but Octavia is really talkative,protective,loves quidditch,sassy,fierce like Hermonie,knows how to take care of herself,known as the better and hotter twin,and very caring and accepting. She got cat called alot starting at age 9 because of her beauty which she actually hates she wants people to like her not just because of her beauty so she can be a bit insecure and upset because she wishes she wasn't as beautiful. Also her and Ginny are fraternal twins

But moving on so ik that isn't rly isn't a backstory but just some information also I will have maybe some scenes from the movies in this but not all half of this will be coming from my mind so yea but enjoy!

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