When i first saw the weasleys

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* set in fred and georges first year *
I looked around the bustling king's cross station. My parents left me moments ago because they are muggles and couldn't go any farther. I started to get scared." Will I miss the train" " how do I get on the platform" I thought. Then i saw a family of redheads walking in front of me. "Has everyone packed their robes ?" You heard one  mutter. "Robes" you thought. "Must be wizards". You followed them through the station until you reached platform 9 and 10. "Its now or never y/n" you thought to yourself. You walked up to them and now you could see them better. There was a short plump woman at the front of the group with 2 small children holding onto each one of her hands. one of the children looked around 8 and the other one not much younger than that. There was also a man with long legs and a kind smile.
There was also 2 boys around my age messing with each other. You guessed they were twins beacause the resemblance was uncanny.there were 3 older boys but you couldn't get a good look at them before you caught the plump woman's eye . " Can I help you dear," she said with a sweet smile. " Yes, how do you get on the platform ?" You ask." Oh, you run straight into the wall between platforms nine and ten". She says like it's the most casual thing in the world.  " fred and george are in their first year to " she points over to the twins.
"Fred" says one of the twins "George" says the other one. "Weasley" they say in unison. You smile. "My name is Molly, this is my husband Arthur." Says the woman. " Alright Bill you first," says Arthur. The oldest boy takes a step and runs straight into the barrier. You half expect him to crash into it but he doesn't. He just runs straight through it.
The next 2 sons you now know are called Bill and Percy run throught with the ease and it's the twins turn now. They look at each other,link arms and run through the concrete bricks. " Go on dear," said Molly you step back and take a run straight into the wall

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