« SakuHina »

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Ship: Sakusa x Hinata

Genre: Angst

Request: No one, this is a filler chapter so you have something at least while I finish the other chapters. 

Warnings: Cheating, Death. If this is triggering do not read this chapter.


This is a songfic (is that the name?-)

Song: Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away  

By: I don't really know,,, please do tell me if you know- 


".. You Are My Sunshine .."

Hinata walked into his and his boyfriend's shared apartment to the sound of the shower running. He sat down on their bed then he heard it.


It was Sakusa's phone. Hinata thought nothing of it and checked. 'Atsumu-san..? I know I shouldn't look, but..' he let curiosity take the best of him...He wish he hadn't... His heart dropped and a tear streamed down his face. "Hey babe~! How are you doing?" He heard the running water abruptly stop from the bathroom. Sakusa walked out and noticed Hinata crying, then he noticed him staring at his phone... His skin paled 'shit' he continued to curse silently to himself. Hinata looked up tears falling from his eyes.

".. My Only Sunshine .."

"What the fuck Sakusa?! 'Hey babe~! How are you doing?' the hell?! If you don't love me then you could fucking tell me!" The ginger headed male yelled angrily now sobbing. "Hinata... please, I only truly love you" the raven-haired male said now walking over to Hinata. Hinata looked up at him, his eyes filled with rage and sadness. He gave him a laugh, though it was only filled with anger. "Don't pull that shit with me Kiyoomi" he said his voice dripping with venom.

".. You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Gray .."

Hinata began walking to the door. "Fuck you Sakusa Kiyoomi." tears still dripping off his face his eyes now blurry. "We're over." he stated smiling sadly while walking out the door. Sakusa was still processing what he heard. "no... No.!" he yelled a single tear falling down his face. Memories of him and Hinata replaying on repeat ruthlessly in his head. He laid on the bed he once shared with his now ex-boyfriend. And slowly all the regret and self-blame began to set in.

".. You'll Never Know Dear .."

Hinata was sobbing while walking in the dimly lit streets of his city. His sight was extremely blurry now. He wasn't paying attention and he began walking across the streets. He was so lost in his sadness and drowned out the yells of the strangers. Suddenly he noticed that everything began to become brighter. He looked up, but it was too late. 


Blood splattered across the road as a large truck collided with the small male. Ambulances rushed him to the closest hospital.  Everything began to fade black for Hinata though, his ears began ringing but then... it stopped.

Everything stopped.

".. How Much I Love You .."

It was currently 2:39 am and Sakusa was still awake in his bed. Suddenly he received a call, he hadn't recognized but to be honest he didn't care. "Hello? What do you want?" He asked. "Is this Sakusa Kiyoomi? Do you know a Hinata Shoyo by any chance?" The voice on the other end lowered as he said Hinata's name worrying Sakusa. "Yes, yes I do. Did something happen to him?!" He was practically yelling at this point. "Sir, please calm down. He is currently at **** hospital-" Sakusa ended the call and rushed to the hospital that was mentioned over the call. The receptionist gave him a look of pity, but gave him the room number. As he arrived the doctor sat him down. "I'm sorry for your loss..."  Sakusa fell to his knees and began sobbing realizing it was his fault. 

"... Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away ..."

And now.. he was staring at the love of his life's casket. Sobs could be heard all around but he didn't care. He just replayed that night in his head the guilt building up. Their conversation  ringing in his ears. 

His Sunshine Was Gone, And He Was Never Coming Back


I had this in my drafts and I thought why not finish it while I finish my other ones. I hope you enjoyed, or not..? I don't know- stay safe though! And look before crossing the street :) 💙 


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