𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑒

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We went back to the main dining area and William led me to another hall way that had a sign saying "Pirates Cove".

Down the hall and in a room was a small stage with one of the robots on it.
I didn't see this one yesterday but I knew it was Foxy.

"So what do we need to fix?"

"I need to fix his voice box but there are more repairs he needs."

I now realized that I had no experience with fixing robots or anything of that sort.

Yeah you know what o don't know anything about this stuff, why don't you have Mike help you."

I turned and was about to walk out when William grabbed my wrist.

"Your not going anywhere."

William pulled my arm which made me moved back over to when he was.

"You agreed to help, I don't care of you know how to do it or not, I can't have you leaving my sight." William said aggressive.

"Fine, what do you need me to do?"

William smiled.

"Well I'll just open his chest and you'll take out his old voice box and put in the new one in."

"It's simple."

It didn't sound simple.

William hopped onto the stage and undid the chest on the Fox.

"Now the voice box is the cube shaped thing and you need to pull it out without damaging any wires."

"Yeah I think I would know that." I said with attitude in my voice.

"Don't give me that attitude (y/n), don't forget who could kill you at anytime."

I rolled my eyes and focused on the voice box.

I reached my hand in and began to slowly move wires without damaging anything.

"How come you couldn't do this?" I asked William.

"My hands are to big to reach in and deal with smaller things, that's why I have Mike do it."

"Oh that makes sense."

I turned my attention back to getting the voice box out.

I got the last wire away from the voice box.

"Ok I untalented the wires that were in the way, what do I do next?" I ask William.

"Let me take a look and then I'll tell you what to do next."

I moved a bit to the side to give William some room.
He got up on the stage next to me and took a look inside of Foxy's chest.

"There are wires that are attached to the voice box."

"All you have to do is untwist the caps from the wires and replace the voice box."

I was at a blank.
Why did I agree to do this. Mike at least had some experience with this but I didn't.

"Ok sounds easy enough."

Why did I lie!? This does not sound easy.

There were three wires with caps on them attached to the voice box.

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