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In which Harry begs Louis to wear suspenders again but Louis becomes sassy so Harry gets a better idea.

Warnings: boy and boy content, smut, slight daddy kink (like twice), and bondage (yesssss)

It's a little kinky but oh well

"Damn it, Harry, have you seen my belt?" Louis whines, digging through the closet floor. Louis's boyfriend steps in the room, a toothbrush in his mouth. "Hmm?" He hums delicately, raising an eyebrow. "Have you seen my belt?" Louis repeats, sparing a long glance at Harry's bare chest.

Harry holds up a slim finger, disappears, and comes back a minute later. He goes to stand in the closet door. "The belt I used to whoop you the other day when you kissed Eleanor in public?" Harry asked casually. Louis nearly choked on air. "Uh... Yes, that very one." "Then, no, I haven't seen it since I spanked your bare bum." Harry offered a cheeky smile as Louis flushed red.

"Fuck, we have an interview this afternoon and I can't find it," Louis pouted, trying to avoid the subject. The belt was used for Louis's nicest pair of trousers. It was rare that Louis needed a belt because his hips were pretty wide, but these khakis were an exception. The belt was also used when the sassy boy did something naughty. It was a kink that the two had discovered together on a drunken night. Drunk Louis liked to mouth off.

"Why don't you wear these?" Harry suggested, holding up a pair of navy blue suspenders. Louis's cute little nose crinkled. "I haven't worn those in forever." "Well, you're wearing them today," Harry ordered, tossing Louis the suspenders. Louis caught them hesitantly.

"Go put them on," the younger urged, gesturing towards the mirror. Louis nodded and headed out the closet. He fastened the suspenders to the khaki chinos and hooked them over his his white tee. He'd planned on wearing his black coat anyways.

"Those look so cute," Harry cooed, wrapping his arms around the smaller man. "I don't want to look cute!" Louis protested in his high voice. "Louis," Harry said calmly, warning Louis not to sass him. The other just rolled his eyes, causing Harry's grip to tighten. "You're feeling brave today, Tomlinson." "Not brave enough to wear these braces outside this damn house," Louis mumbled.

Harry sighed. He was getting a bit fed up with Louis complaining. How could the small lad not see how absolutely adorable he looked? "Why aren't you dressed yet?" Louis questioned, noticing he was hitting a danger zone. "We have two hours, baby. I wanted to nap first," Harry explained about how he was only wearing boxer briefs.

"Okay, I'm just going to check for my belt again," Louis said, trying to wiggle from his boyfriend's grasp. "You are wearing those suspenders." "I don't want to wear them!" "You are anyways!" "I don't have to do what you tell me to, you twat!" "Oh?" Louis gulped. He'd stepped a bit to far.

Harry looked considerably calm but Louis knew that was just how Harry looked. The younger lad was actually very angry with Louis's amount of sass.

"Fine," Harry spoke briskly, unclipping Louis's suspenders. "Fine?" Louis squeaked. "Fine," Harry repeated, pulling away from Louis completely. Louis's eyes widened. "You're okay with me not wearing them?" "Oh, Louis. You are going to wear them," Harry spoke cooly, raising both eyebrows.

Louis's eyebrows furrowed as Harry pulled Louis away from the mirror and pushed Louis onto the bed, pulling off the white tee. Harry gently straddled Louis as the older sat up, now bare-chested, moving his hands to wrap around Harry's neck, but Harry grabbed Louis's wrists and held them together behind the smaller, placing a heavy kiss on his lips.

Louis whimpered, pushing himself up into Harry's kiss. The younger smirked into it, working his hands soundless and unnoticeably behind Louis, using his tongue to pry his boyfriend's lips apart and assault his mouth.

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