Chapter 1 - First day, First bumped?

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Chapter: 1
Time/Date of the Chapter: June 18
POV: Aria Hart
--------------------------------------------Around 7 AM------------------------------------------

As I hear the alarm clock blaring at me, I knew I had to wake up. I looked at the time and it was around 7 AM. I opened the window to hear the birds chirping and the wind breezing into my skin.

"What a cozy morning", I said.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up and went downstairs. I saw my mom cooking breakfast. I love my mom.

"Good morning mom!" I greeted her.

"Good morning sweetie. Im preparing you bacon and eggs, your favorite!" She said. I smiled and waited for her to prepare it.

I went to the couch to wait and watched the news. Sighed, same news... death. It was always death news every morning. It haunts me.

We were new in this neighborhood and the two of us were together always.

I am an only child but I was happy until my dad and my mom had divorced. My mom had to move and they were arguing about whom I had to live with. As you already know, I lived with my mom. I was still happy because my mom treats me like a princess. We weren't rich or anything, but we were still happy.

I'm Aria, by the way! Im a freshman, its my first day at a new school, called Lionheart High school. Nervous but excited.

"Sweetie, heres your breakfast" My mom called me. I went to the dining table immediately and ate my food as if there is no tomorrow.

"Sweetie, no one will take your food away," My mom chuckled.

I laughed a bit and after I finished eating, I left the dishes on the sink and made my way to the stairs. I went to my room and packed my things and put them in my backpack. After that, I went to my closet to look for my school uniform. The Lionhearts uniform was formal; it wasn't my style but I have no choice but to wear it. I wore it and it made me feel insecure due to the skirt being so short but as I said, no choice. How can the principal allow this monstrosity?!

As I made my way downstairs, I said goodbye to my mom.

"Goodbye, mom and wish me luck!" I said while I went outside.

I walked to school because the school wasnt far, you could see it through the windows in my house.

I saw a lot of students walking to school. As I went closer, I see the school going bigger. It looked like it was a hotel. I was in the entrance and boy, it was covered with people chatting and gossiping. It was noisy but I went inside and it was still full of people. I made my way into the principal room.

"Hi and good morning sir," I said, trying to be as formal as possible.

"Good morning- uh- whats your name, dear?" He asked.

"I'm miss Hart, miss Aria Hart," I answered.

"Oh, you're the new student! Im assuming you are here for the schedule."

"I am." I chuckled a bit. He gave it to me and I said my goodbyes to the principal. The schedule was hectic; Math was our first subject. This is horrible.

I noticed that there were a million doors to look for the room I need to be in so I was doomed. I tried to find the Math room as fast as possible.

--------------------------------------------Almost 8 PM-----------------------------------------

I was stressed and panicking at the same time. It was almost 8 PM and I am nowhere close to the room I am looking for. Unconscious, I bumped into someone.

"Im so sorry, my bad." I apologized quickly.

Then the stranger pushed me into the wall and it made me shocked.

"Do you not know who I am?" Hearing the voice, I'm assuming its a he.

"Uh- not really, can you uh- unhold me?"

"Oh wow, you think you can get away that easily-"

He pushed me harder and I was suffocating. I had to do what I learned on Youtube, kick his uh- thing. So I kicked it and boy, he was down on the floor, which made a signal that I should run.

And what do you know? The math room is close to the boy whom I kicked his thing.

I tried to calm down and made my way to the room. It was full of chatting and screaming. It made me light-headed and, plus I didnt know anyone. No choice but to go to an empty seat and wait for the teacher.

As I was waiting, I saw the boy, you already know. Everyone stopped and look at him when he walked into the room. Why do they look terrified?

Curious, but its not my business until he stared at me. We were in contact and I was shivering with fear. He, then, went in my direction. I knew this was my death so I was ready to die, but the lord gave me mercy and the teacher arrived just in time.

Looking at his expression, he was annoyed. I thought my day wont be as worse as now but he sits right next to me. I had a bad aura surrounding me. I knew he was staring at me and it made me weaker (and more scared), but I had to pay attention so I did.

God, cant this day get any worse?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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