third times a charm: part 1

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Today is May 12. " Elizabeth! Come down here FP and I need to tell you guys something. And bring jughead and jellybean to!" my mom shouted from downstairs. "Coming!" I called back. I looked up at jughead (we were sitting in bed together watching Netflix) and nodded my head towards the door, acknowledging the fact that we needed to go downstairs. He nodded, got out of bed, and held out his hand for me and smirked. I smiled sweetly, took his hand and we headed down to face our parents. "Hey Betty, jughead." FP said. "Hey dad, what's up?" Jughead asked "well" my mom started "we wanted to let you guys know that F P got a new job offer." (He has been looking for a job for a while, but for the meantime he was working at Pops but since the pay was so low he decided to keep looking) " that's great!" I said genuinely happy "what is it for?" "That's the thing. It's for a construction company, which they want me to co-run with this other guy. His name is Brian I think." "Ok..." jellybean started, speaking for the first time "you make it sound like there's a downside to the offer." "Well I wouldn't call it a downside, but there is a bit of an inconvenience." Said FP "Hermione actually was the one who got me the offer, So the two of us have to fly out to New York for the interview." "Is that a bad thing?" I said confused on why they seemed unsure. "Not necessarily, but I was going to go down to New York with him. I've always wanted to go andnow seemed like the perfect opportunity." said my mom "and you don't feel comfortable leaving us home alone for that long right?" I said finally understanding "Right" she sighed "We'll be fine mom, I promise. We're adults now." I said gesturing to jughead and I "we can take care of ourselves for a week" "Fine" she said hesitantly but you two have to watch jelly bean OK?" We've got it miss Smith." Jughead said reassuringly "yeah will be OK for a little bit, just don't make me stay with these two for any longer than I have to. They are loud enough as it is." Jellybean said smirking "JELLY!!" Jughead half yelled. jellybean giggled while jug and I blushed. "Anyways" Attempting to change the subject "when are you guys leaving?" "Tomorrow" said FP "our flight is around noon" "yeah we have already packed everything and are ready to go" my mom said excitedly. I could tell she couldn't wait to get out of Riverdale for a little bit. "Ok" jug said "sounds good" I smiled, grabbed his arm and we walked back upstairs. "It'll be nice to have some time to ourselves, kind of" I said turning around to face him "yeah" he agreed "I mean anything is better than having her parents hover over us 24/7" "Mhm that's their specialty" I smiled "it sure is" he laughed we climbed back in bed, me snuggling up to jugs chest, He put his arm around me, kissed my head, and turned on the TV.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. We just hung out at home for a while and order pizza for dinner. I woke up the next morning to jughead leaning against the headboard scrolling through Instagram. "Good morning love" the smiled once he realized I had woken up "Mhm good morning" my voice still groggy from last nights sleep "Did you sleep good?" he asked "Yeah actually you're pretty comfy" I joked and he smirked. "Are you hungry? Your mom made breakfast." He asked " kinda, yeah" "ok come on" he said picking me up as I giggled and we headed downstairs, putting me back on my feet before we reached the bottom step since we didn't neither are parents seeing that and risking an awkward start to the day. "Hey honey! I made waffles if you're hungry." My mom smiled "ok thank you" I said as I grabbed a plate for Jug and I. "Thanks" he said as I handed him the plate "yep" I said with a smile and went over to get something to eat.

"So, y'all are leaving at noon right" I asked as me and jughead sat down at the table. "Yep but I think we might head out a bit earlier just to make sure we're not late" my mom said "Alice Smith, always early" FP said with a smile. The rest of us chuckled. It was true, my mom was early everywhere she went, and if she wasn't, she found a way to blame it on the rest of us. "Haha FP very funny." She said shaking her head but she did so with a smile on her face to let us know she wasn't mad. Throughout the rest of the meal we held a subtle conversation but nothing more then idle small talk. Soon enough everyone had finished eating and went up to their rooms. My mom and F P, making sure they have everything packed. My mom of course stressing like always. Jellybean on FaceTime with one of her friends. And jug and I going over jughead's newest addition to his book. "Wow jug" I smiled proud of how talented my boyfriend was "I love it!" "Do you actually mean that or are you just saying it because I'm your boyfriend? He said suspiciously "jug... i'm serious. You are such an amazing writer, you've got to stop doubting yourself so much." I said with my eyebrows raised and a small smile "thanks love" he replied grinning. I smiled back noting to myself how sweet his man was. He climbed back in bed and placed a small kiss on my lips. "you know what I don't understand?" He said with a confused look on his face, I could obviously tell what came next was about to be a joke because I know him so well "hm?" "How do you manage to look so gorgeous even right when we wake up." I knew it. I giggled and replied back "thanks love but that's all you" jughead let out a small laugh and kissed me "I love you betts" I smiled "I love you too"

My mom called jug and I downstairs and we found that jellybean was already seated on the arm of the couch "Alrighty everyone I think it's time we head out!" My mom said with a smile on her face "now listen Elizabeth I want you to answer me every time I call you do you understand?" She continued more seriously"I've got it Mom" I said "ok" she sighed "we'll miss you!" We'll miss you to miss smith." Jug said sweetly "ok by you guys. See you in a week"FP said obviously trying to get Alice to leave "bye dad" JB said hugging her father "bye JB" he said hugging her back. I wrapped my arms around jugheads waist and he put his around my shoulder. I looked up at him, went on my tippy toes and kiss his lips. He smiled and pulled me up for another kiss. We turned back to our parents and waved as they headed out the door. "Finally!" Jellybean said as soon as she shut the door. "Well someone's excited to parentless for a couple days" Jughead said laughing jellybean and I giggled and she replied "I'm sure am" has she headed back up to her room. "Jug" I started placing my arms around his neck "hm?" He asked with a smirk already knowing what I was about to say "do you maybe want to take your bike to the bunker?" I asked seductively with a small smile "I thought you'd never ask Miss Cooper" he said with a sly grin I giggled and quickly pecked his lips. "Oh and tell JB that we went over to Archies or something." I said not wanting his little sister to worry "ok" he said back with the same sly grin plastered across his face.

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