It's the jacket that makes me immortal
But the heart that makes me weak yearning for joy to be held again to live an learn to love and follow on Yonders peak where time has yet become nothing for when the winds have changed direction it yet we stay the same course the heart makes me immortal but the jacket makes me weak yet humble in its way yet fear the reaper people do but yet I'm not friend nor am I foe nor call me enemy or call me nothing I ponder but wonder the truest of worlds and be at peace in my own world but yet no longer yearning for that of life for when time has to come I open my arms to willing light the white light that had protected me my whole life but yet I still feel the loneliest not knowing what it is that you feel towards me yet look upon this face of beauty look upon the heart but not be fooled by its past yet it yearns for love and laughter in its days that slowly count down to the death of a man who knew more to life that life itself but ready to wander the next lands ready to be able to walk the dream realm as I once did so gracefully looking upon my true fate in the mirror of my soul I see but am not scared see willingly to follow into the mist of shadows thunder curious as the cats that wait for nine lives is risky but not when meddling with one but you give it your best and open your arms to destiny letting go of the past and looking on to the future with your arms out wide and gracefully accept that the jacket makes you immortal but the heart that makes you weak you love you laugh you cry you scream into the wind but yet know one will hear your woe as if your heart can't break no more but yet a man comes running g through and he's you night in shining amour the prince you've been looking for to cometh on this darkest hour when your nearly ready to give up but yet you long for him to hug you and long for him to cuddle for hours Until the pain has eased away into dawn of a new beginning long to be free longing to be loved and longing to be accepted for your full self.But in all of this it's the heart that makes you immortal it's the jacket that makes you weak you are the phoenix and you'll rise again some day you've showed yourself and been your truest self but now it's time to fly the ashes and live amongst the stars of my own happiness to forgive is to hold onto grudges that are worth nothing in the end look at you and then back at me and tell me what I'm missing you call me angel you call me friend and yet you call me lover but before all this I was a stranger not knowing who you are and now we're close it's like my hearts is failing my brain implodes my feelings goes but yeah I wanna get to know you my heart is full and it's all good because there's room for you but please don't fear for you can't lose the love Of me for I'm the one you call lord of darkness the one who walks the road of solitude and hoping to find his partner you lift my soul from darkness you brought the rays of sun the colour overflows me now and I'm the Phoenix once again I rose from the ashes and I live amongst the stars
The jacket makes me immortal but the heart that makes me weak
PuisiStory of pain but also an interpretation of what it's like to be me