Part 1

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You and Evan have been best friends since you both were in diapers. You had feelings for Evan, but you knew he would never have those feelings for you. See the thing is Evan has a beautiful girlfriend, Emma Roberts. You've met Emma before, will lets just say you both don't get along, Evan knows you both dislike each other, he tries to make the relationships work.

You and Evan were hanging out today. Then out of the blue Evan asks, "Hey Y/N, can I ask you something?" "Yeah sure anything." you reply. "Why don't you like Emma?" Evan asks.


Evan introduced you to Emma a couple of months ago, she was amazing and beautiful you loved her she was so nice, at the time you thought she was the one for Evan. At the time you had nothing against her. Then a couple weeks later you went to this huge party, you were looking for a quiet place, because you were getting a headache from the music and all the ruckus. You decided to look for a room to get away from everything. So you went upstairs and opened a room and you saw Emma & another boy who looked nothing like Evan. You were beyond pissed at this point. Emma saw you and went up to you and said, "If you tell Evan I will tell him you like him that's why your trying to ruin our relationship with a lie." you were beyond shocked. You just nodded knowing it was the best thing to do, because Evan truly loves her, and you didn't want to see him heart broken. So after that day you and Emma haven't been getting along.


Evan shakes his hand in front of you "HELLO EARTH TO Y/N!" you both laughed, the he says, "So why don't you like Emma?" You replied, "I just don't, okay." Evan then said, "C'mon there has to be a reason you can't just dislike someone." he said a little more harsh this time. At this point you were annoyed, so you replied, "Do you really want to know?" you said with a little sass. Evan replied, "Yeah." You knew you both were annoyed, so you decided to come clean, "Fine I don't like Emma, because I went to a party one time a-and I went to a room, a-and I saw her tongue down some guys throat." You felt like a huge weight was lifted up your shoulder. Evan then started to chuckle, you were confused, he then said, "Are you really serious?!?" he said chuckling. You replied, "Yeah." Then he stood up and yelled at you, "BULLSHIT. WE BOTH KNOW YOUR JEALOUS OF ME AND EMMA TOGETHER. YOU LIKE ME THAT WHY YOUR MAKING UP LIES NOW ABOUT HER." You stood up so now you both were face to face. You then screamed, "YOU KNOW WHAT EVAN I WAS FUCKING LOOKING OUT FOR YOU. I WOULD NEVER MAKE UP LIES AND YOU KNOW THAT TOO. AND HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF ME BEING JEALOUS AND MAKING UP LIES." Evan then replied, "JUST GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE YOU STUPID BITCH." You heart then shattered into millions of pieces, you then replied your voice now cracking, "If that's what you want okay. But don't come running back to me when you find out the truth." Then you left when you got in your car you broke down crying, and went back home.

Should I continue with part 2?
Also I have nothing against Emma I love her and her acting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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