07 | Boss' Orders

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His dark eyes are steady on mine as he circles my clit with his thumb, fingers pumping in and out of me.

A soft moan escapes me and I catch it in my throat, not wanting anyone outside the closet to hear me, or us.

Malac has no such qualms as he pumps harder, his other hand coming to curl around my throat, thumb placed gently against my pulse.

My hand flinches up to remove his hand but I stop, not feeling any familiar trauma creep its way in, not feeling anything but lust and a little bit of reckless danger in the air.

Malachi leans forward, unaware of my internal thoughts, lips skimming mine as he whispers.

"I want Kade and Killian to be able to hear you screaming my name." He nips me before smashing his lips against mine like he's trying to punish me for something.

I glare instead, biting his lips back, hard. He doesn't seem bothered by the sting of pain as my teeth pierce his bottom lip, tasting iron in my mouth.

He pulls back, tongue poking out to lick up the small drop of blood and his eyes hood further, "kinky, Rosie girl. Now scream my name."

I narrow my eyes further and seal my lips shut and Malac takes it as a challenge, curling his fingers as he pumps them in, hitting a spot just right that it has no he moan slipping from my lips unbidden.

"Not loud enough, baby."

He brings a hand to my lips, tracing them almost reverently but I take his finger in my mouth, biting down on it to stifle the scream I know wants to slip from my lips as the orgasm builds in me.

Malac chuckle darkly, "You're going to cum for me, aren't you, Noah." The words are more of a demand than a question, yet they're right all the same. "Squeeze my fingers."

It's the first time I'd heard him say my name and the action has me coming all over his fingers, my chest rising and falling in hurried breaths.

He keeps pumping even as I fall from the high, prolonging the orgasm and having it build up again before he slips his hand free of my jeans.

"That's a good girl."

I almost stumble back into the door as I try to right my zip once more, if it wasn't for Malac's hand curling around my upper arm and catching me against his chest.

I let out a small grunt at the contact, and slowly push myself off before I pop the button back into place.

"You should probably get going, Rosie." The words are strained as he says them, "I have something to deal with here." He grunts, sounding like he's in pain but a laugh exits my lips. 

"Something little?" I tease.

He grunts, glaring at me with no heat in his eyes. "That's for me to know and you to find out Rosie."

I laugh but stumble out of the closet, beginning to close him off in the darkness.

"Oh, and Babygirl?"

I open the door back a fraction, raising a brow at Malac.

He lifts his fingers to his lips, sucking them into his mouth with a devilish look in his eyes. "Don't lie to me again."

Then he's reaching past me for the door, flinging it open and causing me to step into his body so he can.

Then he's gone, long legs striding down the hallway towards class.

I quickly follow, watching him closely as he whistles low under his breathe and reaches into his pocket, retrieving the same switchblade he'd held against my throat days earlier.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now