Pink's New Target

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Persie's POV:

"Dead... 1...2...3......6...7....8... dead... pity."

They die so fast... I keep pretending... I'm getting tired of pretending...

She screamed bloody hell though the hallways as she sat down like she fell in blood next to the three victims. Bodies as the final two crewmates ran in. "Pink what happened?!" She cried before pointing at the green suited man. "He vented. After killing them."

"Lies~!" The white ghost whispered to her then the dark blue one crossed his arms floating off. "She's going to get away with this... Princess... more like Prince-Ass." The red suited girl looked at green and growled. "Your sick!" She ran and hit the button and voted green. Persie stood looking a green with fake tears and grinned. "Better luck next time~" as she voted from her tablet and green was ejected.


Hello everyone I am working on a few projects this one came to me and my friend last night and thought I'd give it a shot. If you would like to be one of the crewmates that we will keep on here permanently. A special thanks for the Character Persie.                   
~ Bye Bye My Little Imposters

Black - Sølø (me)
Pink - Persie,                     


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