Three - Plans

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Today was the day she was going to Kai's house. Even after Harmony's warning, Abbie couldn't help but still crush on him big time. She didn't truly believe he was the one who killed the gym teacher. He just seemed done with everyone's shit, not a sociopathic murderer.

"-So that's why I think Steven Spielberg is amazing," Harmony said. Abbie looked back to Harmony, "Huh? I'm sorry I wasn't listening." Harmony's face looked betrayed. She had just told her about the greatest observation ever, but Abbie didn't even bother and listen. "Thinking about Kai again? Seriously you're obsessed." Harmony didn't really understand why Abbie was crushing on Kai of all people. She had only talked to him twice, and she acted like they knew each other for years. Did Kai even know she existed?

"I'm sorry, Harmony," Abbie looked down, ashamed. "It's okay, but I have to go to my locker since lunchtime is almost over," Harmony said with a disappointed tone in her voice. She looked down at her watch and left. Abbie had realized that this was one of her quirks. "Uh, okay, bye," Abbie said, unsure. Almost immediately after Harmony had left, a girl with short dark brown hair and curtain bangs slit over to Abbie's cafeteria bench. "You're Abbie, right?"

"Yes, why?" Abbie asked the girl. "I'm Josette, Kai's sister," She smiled, "I heard that after school, you were coming to my house to work with Kai." She was correct, but why did Josette come to her to ask about it? It seemed odd. But this also meant that Kai told Josette about her, which made Abbie smile a bit. "Yup, I can't wait."

Josette twirled her fingers together as if she was too afraid to ask Abbie something. "Do you like him?" she blurted. Yes, of course, she did, but she wasn't going to tell Josette that. For all Abbie knew, she was immediately going to tell Kai all about it. They're siblings, after all.

"Yeah, he seems nice I would love to get to know him better," Abbie said, carefully choosing her words. "You know what I meant and not in that way. I promise I won't tell anyone. I'm just curious." Abbie grinned. Jo seemed like a girl that loved gossip. Of course, she would go and tell others.

"No, not in that way, really," Abbie lied. Jo gave her a sly eye before nodding and moving on, "okay fine. So anyway, in a week, there will be this awesome party in the woods, and you should totally come." Abbie had been to her fair share of parties, some epic, some dorky, but she always enjoyed them either way. "I love parties. I most definitely will go," Abbie happily told.

"Rad! Well, I suppose I will see you after school. Bye," she replied excitedly and then left.

After classes, Abbie was putting books in her locker when Harmony walked over to her. "Hey Ab, I'm sorry for acting so upset earlier. I was overreacting." Abbie nodded in understanding, "It's all good, really." Abbie wasn't really as bothered about it as Harmony seemed to be. "Uh, okay then, see you tomorrow," the redhead whimpered unsurely. Abbie waved her goodbye and turned her head back to her locker.

Abbie had been thinking about what to say to Kai when she saw him. She barely got any sleep because of it. That was why she seemed quite distracted the whole day, especially towards Harmony. Abbie closed her locker door and started walking towards the exit. Most of the students had already left as soon as the bell went, but Abbie had been slower today. Luckily she wasn't in a rush. Josette had told her she would be a bit later and that Abbie should wait outside, so Jo could easily pick her up in her car.

The outside was a bit chilly. Fall had just started, and Abbie could already notice it. She zipped up her jacket and huffed in annoyance. "My sister is always unbearably late. It's starting to get annoying," A disembodied voice said, "Maybe I should finally get my driver's license." Abbie was a bit startled by the unknown voice until she realized it was Kai. It almost seemed as if he came out of nowhere. "Oh, it's you. You scared me," she smiled. "Yeah, I have that effect on women," he jokingly said. Abbie let out a little laugh and was about to ask him something when a car pulled up in front of them. "Hey, you two, get in."

The car ride was uneventful but entertaining. Josette had turned on the radio and was singing along to Take On Me, which Kai seemed annoyed about but had kept quiet. Josette also had asked Abbie endless questions about where she was from and made her name in almost every city she had lived in. The ride was longer than Abbie had expected, but she didn't mind all that much. Upon arrival, they entered a more secluded woodland area. The car stopped next to what seemed to be a private road which led to a big white house that stood proudly among the trees.

Josette seemed quite eager to show Abbie's house, almost as if she hadn't been able to before. "So here is where I learned to do the split-," Josette started telling Abbie, who had already zoned out. "And here I found out that-," she continued. "Shut up, Jo," Kai said in annoyance. Jo rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen to make herself some food.

"Shall we do the project upstairs?" he asked. "Sure." Abbie didn't like to admit it, but she had no clue what the project was about. As usual, she hadn't paid attention during her class. She hoped Kai knew what it was about but didn't get her hopes up.

"So does this teacher give a lot of projects?" she asked once she had seated herself into a black beanbag that stood in his room. His bedroom was small and dark. His bed had dark blue covers and his gray walls were covered in posters of bands. "I dunno. This is the first year that I have had him as a teacher. Normally though, we never do projects," he said. An awkward silence doomed over the room until Abbie decided to break it. "I actually have no clue what this project is about," she admitted, ashamed. He seemed surprised but then laughed, "Me neither." Abbie now, too, started laughing.

"So now what?" she asked, smiling. He shrugged his shoulders, "Find my sister's? She probably finished that project the day he gave it." Josette always enjoyed studying and doing homework. She loved learning new things. "Sounds like a plan," Abbie said.

He left the room and went into the one next to his bedroom, and came out holding a thick stack of papers. "Looks like we got to do a lot," Abbie sighed.

A few hours later, they were finally done. It wasn't as long as they had thought it to be but long enough for it to be dark outside when they finished it. Abbie walked down the stairs searching for Jo but found her sleeping on the couch surrounded by 3 young siblings jumping on her. "She seems fast asleep," Kai mentioned, "She is a deep sleeper. She won't get up any time soon."

Abbie was too tired to complain. But she wondered how she would get home since his parents were away, and he hadn't had his driver's license yet. "I can drive you home," he said. "But-," she said, unsure but got caught off. "Yeah, yeah, no license, listen, I can still drive regardless of a piece of paper." If she had a different option, she would've taken it, but in this case, she didn't, "Fine."

He had taken his sister's car and, while driving, seemed to know what he was doing. "You're a pretty good driver. Why not get your license?" she asked.

"They don't trust me driving a car," he said. "Oh, why is that?" she asked curiously. "No clue why," he lied, but Abbie didn't notice. "Is this your place?" he asked in front of a cozy little house. "Yup, thank you for driving me." He nodded and gave her a little wave after she got out, then he drove away.

--*-*-*- Editor's note -*-*-*--

Thank you for reading chapter three! This was a bit longer one. I hope you enjoyed it, and I promise after this chapter, it's going to get really exciting. Like REAL exciting, well I hope you'll think it is.

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