Chapter One

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[ silence ]

. . .

[So, this takes place in the 1970s, where Ford is still an innocent man who moved to Oregon, Gravity Falls]

Stanford finishes packing his backpack, which is now filled with two water bottles, a small packet of two peanut butter and jam sandwiches and a crossbow with arrows. He puts his arms through the straps and picks up his journal and pen, leaving his cabin. He walks into the woods, ignoring a few gnomes, deers and fairies, considering he had already done research on them. He's looking for something new, something interesting that he hadn't discovered yet.

After a while of walking, Ford decides that he should find an open spot to have his lunch. He strolls the forest for a little longer, before finding an opening, flowers surrounding the ground and small bushes, butterflies flying freely, a waterfall in the distance with a river of fresh water flowing through the big gap between the trees.

The grass a bright, colorful green, a small garden in the corner of the area with gray pebbles surrounding it. Tree branches hanging over, almost like it's covering the place and a boulder in a corner.

Ford takes a step closer, accidentally snapping a twig. He glances down, just before he hears a soft gasp and ruffles in a bush across from the opening. He looks up at it, wondering what it could be.

Without having to go closer, he sees a hand pop out, moving a few leaves. Ford spots a set of two (e/c) eyes in the bush, "H-hello?" he calls out in a soft voice. A whimper comes from the bush before the eyes get covered again, "Hey, it's okay..." he slowly and cautiously walks closer to the bush, "I won't hurt you... unless you hurt me first." he muttered the last part to himself and waited for a response, but got nothing.

He sighs in defeat and plops onto the ground, sitting criss-cross, before taking off his bag. He pulls out his small packet, then takes out one of his sandwiches, eating in silence while not looking up at the bush. As much as Ford would like to see what- or who- that was, he won't force it to show itself.

Ford looks around the place, examining the small garden. He hears ruffles again, looking up to find a head popping out from the bush. He looks away from the (h/c) haired female, fighting the urge to go up to her. The figure stands up completely, not getting any attention from Ford. She cautiously walks up to him, slouching in fear that the human would harm her, like all the others do. She stands by him, watching the man curiously.

Ford finally looks at her, causing her to flinch. His eyes widen once he sees her fluffy, cream colored wings. She wears a short, white dress, some blood stains on the side of her waist, and sandles, along with a flower crown in her hair. She looked back at Ford, completely confused as to why he hadn't charged yet.

He tilts his head slightly and swallows. The creature tilts her head in the same direction as him, both of their eyes scanning each other's expressions. Ford takes another bite of his sandwich, in a way, showing her that he means no harm. She drops to her knees and sits on her shins, waiting for him to pull out a gun and shoot her already.

Ford takes the packet, where his other sandwich is, and places it in front of the creature. She stares at it with a small frown before poking it and flinching, thinking it would explode, but it doesn't, obviously. She looks up at Ford, who takes a bite of his sandwich whilst watching her movements. She picks it up and turns it around, wondering if there's any poison in it. After a moment or two, she sets it back down, sliding it a bit closer to Ford. He takes it and puts it back in his bag, then pulls out his water bottle and takes a sip, putting it on the same spot where the packet was.

She stares at it, knowing for a fact that if he could drink it and not care, it should be safe. She hesitantly takes it, her eyes moving back to Ford. He just watches silently whilst she takes a small sip of it, soon realizing that it's just water. She puts it back and continues to watch him, studying his movements with a gentle gaze.

Ford finishes his sandwich and packs his things away. He picks up his bag as he stands up, then he leaves, already planning on going back to the place he had lunch at. He walks back home, leaving the creature alone once again.

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