A different voice

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Springtrap's P.O.V

Its really been a long time since that accident huh? Blood still on the walls like when this first happened. And to make things worse for me I've been trapped here in this room for as long as I can remember. So long that I almost forgot my actual name. However Springtrap is more catchy than 'William Afton', and its actually kind of growing on me. But what happened all those years ago is something I wish to forget. I made a mistake dismantling those damn animatronics. Now I'm a worn down and horrific looking animatronic just like them. Those spirits trapping me here has driven me to the point to talking to myself just to keep myself company. I swear I've gone crazy. I've been constantly motivating myself to try and get out of here with many failed attempts. In the end I always give up and sit in my little spot against the wall where I got skewered by these god damn springlocks, hugging my knees and crying about my failure. It's unbareable, but I've gotten used to it. But I still want to get out of here and I dream of how the outside world is like. That's when my other part, the one I always talk to for company, tries to motivate me to open the door again.

"Come on! Get up and try to open the door"

"But we tried a hundred times already, its locked."

"Jeez! I don't care! If you're not gonna do it, I'll do it myself." I walk up to the door and start banging it and yelling as loud as I can hoping someone will hear me.

"Hey! Is anyone there? Open the door! I'm trapped here! Please help!" I'm desperate to get out of here, and since banging on the door doesn't seem to work, I resort to ramming doenthe door with my shoulder. But I only get hurt in the process.

"Ow! Ow, stop it! You're hurting me again. Just face it. We're stuck here forever, and..."

"No one will find me,"

"Ever." I go back to my little corner and sit there, hugging my knees as always.

"I'm scared."

"Me too." Before I know it I'm crying again. The thought of me never getting out of here constantly drives me to tears. At this rate it's the only thing that helps me cope with all this.


"Find me."

I'm all alone. I can't get out of here. I might never het out. It doesn't seem likely. That is until I hear So methingni haven't heard in a very long time. A voice from outside my little room. Its been way too long since I've heard that, so long that I forgot what others sound like. But I know that this voice belongs to a male. And he sounds like a young boy.

"Uh, hello? I heard voices. Is there anyone else here?" I hear the boy say

"Y-Yes! Yes I'm here! Please help me! I'm trapped in here! Open the door! Let me out!" I yell out in joy knowing that I'll finally be free. I get up and go to the door putting my hand on it.

"A door? Hold on let me get my flashlight." He says. He pauses for a few seconds before talking again. "Oh, here it is. Let's see if I can free you." He says. I hear him pulling the handle on the door and grunting, but the door isn't opening. Then I hear a loud thud and an 'Ow! That one hurt!'

"Did you manage to open the door?" I ask. I hear him let out a sigh before he talks again.

"No. I tried pulling as much as I could but it looks like its locked, and I hurt my ass trying to open it." He says.

"Seriously!? Kid you gotta open that door. Please, try to find another way to open it." I beg. I stand there patiently waiting for him to say something until I hear something I didn't wanna hear.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing in here that could help us. Looks like we're both trapped here." He says. Both of us? What does he mean by that?

"What do you mean? Are you trapped too?" I ask, sitting against the wall.

"Well, yes. I am trapped here. I was having lunch earlier and I decided to check out this room, since the door was open, but I got locked in and nobody could get me out. I cried for help for so long, yet I had no luck. I'm still trapped here." He explains.

"You and me both. What's your name kid?" I ask.

"Drake." He says. "Yours?"

"Wil...I mean, S-Springtrap." I say. I hear him chuckle a bit.

"Springtrap, that's a bit of a funny name. But it's actually kind of cool." He says.

"Gee, thanks. So how old are you?" I ask.

"Fifteen." Hear him say. The two of us talked to each other for about an hour. He told me everything about himself, how he was an orphan, how he got stuck in here. For the first time in what seems like forever, I found someone to talk to. And surprisingly, he has a cute little Golden Bonnie plushy that looks just like me, just more golden. I however didn tell him a lot about me, he's not gonna any time soon. But that's when I hear a sound that I'm very firmiliar with. The 12 AM bell. I could hear the sudden fear in the kid's voice after it goes off.

"W-What was that?" He says.

"Dont worry kid, its just the 12 AM bell. The animatronics shpuld only start moving at 1 AM at least." I say. But as soon as I blurt out that last part I instantly regret it.

"Wait, what? What do you mean by that?" He asks. He pauses for a second before speaking again.

"No, you can't be serious! Don't tell me the animatronics are alive, are they?" He asks. I let out a sigh.

"Yes. They are. They have been ever since 1989. I'm the only one that knows, unless the night guard figures it out and survives the night." I say. I hear him let out a gasp.

"I knew it! Those dead kids did posess those animatronics! That's actually pretty cool." He says.

"You think so?" I ask.

"Yeah. I mean it's horrifying at first but haunted animatronics roaming a pizzaria after 12 AM is awesome!" He says. I feel a wavw of relief flood over me. I was scared that he would want to leave me and never come back. Looks like this kid isn't like the other kids I used to...y'know. I but then I hear something else in that room, another voice.

"Kid, what at you doing here? Freddy's is closed." He says.

"Actually, I was trapped in here earlier in the day. I've been waiting to get out of here forever."

"Then come out of that room."

"Wait, there's someone else trapped in there. We need to get him out of there."

"You've been locked in here for too long. Come on, let me take you home."

"No, there's some one else trapped here, we need to free him!"

"Kid, there's nobody else in here. Come on, you need to go home. I'll drive you." The next thing I hear is footsteps going out of the room and a door closing. I feel a wave of loss overcome my body. I barely know the kid and I've grown kind of attached to him. He's the only person I've talked to in years so me getting attached would make sense. And I lost him.

"God damnit! Those stupid night guards always ruin it for me!!!" I say banging my fist on this door.

"Yeah, but at least we finally got to talk to someone else after so many damn years." I say, walking back to my corner. I sit hugging my knees again, but this time I'm not so sad. I'm actually happy for once.

"You think he'll come back?" I ask myself.

"Of coarse he will. Didn't you hear how upset he was when that security guard dragged him out of the room? He has to, I hope." I say. I feel the feeling of loneliness slowly to fade. I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep, hoping that I'll see that kid again. I only hope.


And chapter 3 is done!hope you all enjoyed because this took over 1400 words to write. No joke, its like this in my other books as well. You're welcome to read them if you want. Again, its up to you. Im jot forcing you or anything. But anyway that's it for now guys. See you soon.

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