Chapter 1- Scintilla

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(sorry that this is a little messy bc there is no punctuation and stuff. it was copied from my work on tumblr but don't worry, it wont always be like this. the next chapters are a lot more "cleaner") 


They meet when Hufflepuff needs tutoring in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Slytherin happens to be great at it 

Slytherin is annoyed at first because he thinks that the hufflepuff that he is assigned to is going to be a slow learner 

However, once they start training, Slytherin realizes that yes, Hufflepuff is quite bad at Defense Against the Dark Arts, but she's very resilient and doesn't give up easily 

She starts to improve and Slytherin is secretly proud 

Hufflepuff has a special secluded spot near the lake that she likes to go to when she want to relax (it's very sunny, grassy, and there's a tree that she can lean against)

One day, she comes to her special spot only to find Slytherin peacefully napping with his back against the tree

Hufflepuff walks closer and Slytherin opens his eyes because he felt a shadow over him that was blocking the sun

He is startled to see someone gazing down on them and whips out his wand, only to lower it when he realizes that it's Hufflepuff

"Hi!" "Bloody hell, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" "What are you doing here?" "Well, I was napping before you interrupted me." "I'm sorry, it's just that no one ever comes here except me." "Guess I'm the first." 

Hufflepuff is a bit annoyed at first because this is her special place to be alone but it's all fine because she doesn't mind sharing 

Slytherin, who closed his eyes again, opens one to find that Hufflepuff is sitting next to him and doing Charms homework

He sighs but doesn't complain, because truth be told, he likes Hufflepuff's company 

Hufflepuff starts to see Slytherin more frequently because Slytherin has taken a liking to her special spot and comes often to read or think 

Whenever Hufflepuff sees Slytherin, she makes small talk and at the beginning, Sly gives bland responses and generally ignores whatever she's doing, but over time, Slytherin start to feel more comfortable around her and asks questions 

"What's that in your hand?" "A Rubix cube." "Sounds very muggle-like." 

Hufflepuff laughs as Slytherin examines the object with great curiosity and bewilderment 

They move their training sessions from the courtyard to their special spot 

When Hufflepuff disarms Slytherin successfully and catches his wand for the first time, Puff lets out a whoop and Sly can't help but smile because wow, happiness looks good on Hufflepuff

One day, Slytherin is quietly reading a book when he hears soft snores coming from Hufflepuff, her unfinished painting left forgotten on her lap 

 It's a bit windy and Puff is only wearing a light crew neck sweatshirt and Hufflepuff shorts (which Slytherin rolls his eyes at), so Sly takes off his own jacket and drapes it over Hufflepuff

The glow from the pinkish-red sunset is reflected on Hufflepuff's face, and Slytherin can't help but stare 

Was she always this cute? Before he knows it, he's falling asleep to the sound of Hufflepuff's light snores 

Slytherin wakes up to Hufflepuff shaking him and saying his name; it's dark out and the crickets are chirping

"Merlin's beard, we are in so much trouble." 

Hufflepuff nods grimly as she helps Slytherin up

They try to sneak back into Hogwarts, but Professor Sprout catches them in the entrance hall

"Professor Slughorn and I have been looking everywhere for you two! Please explain yourselves this instant!" 

"We were just hanging out near the Black Lake and lost track of time"

Professor Sprout frowns and glances from Hufflepuff to Slytherin

"Doing what, exactly?"

"We were sleeping together."

Professor Sprout raises her eyebrows and Hufflepuff blushes when she realizes how that sounded

Slytherin quickly blurts out, "Not like that! I mean, we were, but not in that way. We're just friends!"

"That wasn't the only thing we were doing. I was painting while Slytherin was reading a book."

Sly holds up his book for affirmation but Hufflepuff looks at her empty hands with horror, realizing that she left her painting behind 

Professor Sprout looks at Hufflepuff pointedly

"I'll be taking twenty points from the Hufflepuff and Slytherin houses."

Slytherin involuntarily lets out a groan. Great. His house had been in the lead for the most points, but now, they would fall behind. All the other slytherins were going to kill him. 

 "Mind you, you're lucky Professor Slughorn wasn't the one who caught you first. He would have given you a harsher punishment."

Hufflepuff and Slytherin nod solemnly and they are finally dismissed 

As they walk up the stairs, Hufflepuff glances at Slytherin and nudges him playfully 

"Friends, huh?" she said with a goofy grin

Slytherin rolls his eyes but manages a small smile 

Before parting ways to their respective common rooms, Hufflepuff turns to Slytherin and looks at him intently

"I'm sorry for getting us into this." 

"It's not your fault."

"But I was the one who fell asleep first." 

"Hey, don't take all the credit. I should've stayed awake and woken you up when it was time to go."

"Ok, you got me there. But your Slytherin housemates are gonna be really mad at you for losing house points, aren't they?" 

Slytherin shrugs. "It's nothing I can't handle."

Hufflepuff smiles



Before Hufflepuff drifts off to sleep, she thinks about what Slytherin had said

"We're just friends."

Hufflepuff was pleasantly surprised by that. She already considered Slytherin to be one of her friends, but Puff didn't think the feeling was mutual 

Hufflepuff smiles and sighs contently


As Slytherin got ready for bed, he found himself looking forward to his future training sessions with Hufflepuff

The last thing he thought about before falling asleep was Hufflepuff, whose face was glowing with warmth and lit up by brilliant colors of red and orange

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