* Wilbur after killing Tommy in Among Us and being voted out: *
"I'm just gonna say it was fucking worth it. It was worth it. Seeing this little fucking child- seeing his- seeing his- seeing his little neck snap. Ohhh my god, it was so worth it. I'd kill- I wanna see it again. I wanna see it again. I wanna just watch him- I wanna just watch him collapse. I wanna see that bone jutting out of him. Ohhhh- it was so worth it. I'd do it again."
* a minute later tommy join the call *
"How was it Tommy? How was dying my hand- How was dying at my hand? Little child- little child. You fuckin child- ohh no, no, come back. Look at you running away- Look at him running away"
* a second later *
"Do you wanna know what the best part about it was, Tommy? Can i describe perfectly why i enjoyed it so much no matter what, right? It was- It was the- It was me going into admin- it was me going into admin, and you following me, right? And as you followed me, you stood there and stared at me. Almost like challenging me. Like "oh go on then Will, do it then if you're such a big man" and me just turning around and just fucking twisting your- ahh it was brilliant. It was so fucking good. It's like- that is up there- that is up there as one of the best experiences I've ever had in a video game. That is one of the best. Watching you die is up there as one of my favorite things ever in a video game. I absolutely loved it. And i- honestly I'd do it again."