8. Losing My Religion

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"Your assignment is to find a friend of the opposite sex and draw them." Ms Finser always set us interesting pieces of homework. I hated this one the most. Mostly because I only knew one person in this school of the opposite sex. I sighed as I walked into the alcove. Louis was there and for some reason I wasn't surprised.
"I need a favour." I said as Louis jumped up, he was reading what looked like a classics book. "Hold up, you take classics for A-level? Who does that?"

"There is many things you don't know about me, Ava Greenway. What was the favour?" I started fiddling with my hands.

"Well, I was wondering if you would, Well I have an art assignment to draw someone of the opposite, um, gender."


I didn't look at him directly, "Well, you're sort of the only boy I know so I was wondering if I could draw you."

Louis bit his lips and smiled. "Okay."

"Wait, really?" I thought he would say no.


"Okay... do you mind if we go to do art rooms?" Louis was already up and walking out of the alcove. I tried to move as swiftly as him but I stumbled over and nearly fell.

When we were in one of the art room's I gave Louis a seat and sat across from him. I taped paper onto an easel and started examining him. He was wearing a yellow shirt that cling onto him. I hadn't really looked before but Louis had muscles. Like he was literally the definition of ripped. I looked at the paper trying to pretend that I was concentrating,

"Do you want to play the game sixteen questions, but just go on until you're finished?" He asked and I tried not to laugh. I started sketching his silhouette.

"You know Louis, that is just called having a conversation." He smiled,

"I believe it is."

"Okay you ask first, but don't move." I warned.

"Favourite song?"

"Definitely Losing My Religion."

"Wait, really? Why?" I started looking carefully at his eyes, I never noticed how warm they were...

"It isn't really about someone losing their religion. It's about unrequited love." He raised an eyebrow. "Of course you don't know the term, it's single sided love. It's about someone watching someone from a distance but embarrassing themselves the whole time."

"Huh, I never thought of that song that way before."

"What's your favourite film?" I asked him as I started sketching his eyebrows. They were definitely something else...

"The Notebook."

"You're kidding right?" He shook his head and I burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" I didn't stop laughing and Louis eventually joined in.

"Okay, I guess it sounded weird in context. Your turn."

"What did you really say about me in the speech?"

"I said you were an ordinary person."

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