Fearful of the Night

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 Heidi’s P.O.V.

I sat in a room of a old house, alone. It had been many many months now that I had been alone. There was electricity, there was food, but there were no other human beings. I feared going outside. I feared living anymore. Every corner I turned there was something waiting for me. I’ve died here more than I have lived, but I never truly die. I always have a warmth wash over me and BAM! I’m fine again. I didn’t know when it would end, or if it ever would. I had never wanted to die more in my life, to just disappear and leave this world behind.

A loud noise caught my attention outside. I freaked out, curled up into a ball and waited to die – again. I shrieked as the front door creaked open and a familiar face walked in.

“Davin!” I cried out, stumbling off the couch and nearly tackling him.

“Heidi! You’re – alive?! You’re well!?”

“I’m a ton better now that I’m not alone anymore.”

I began to cry and walked back over to the couch. I was so happy that I wasn’t facing this world alone anymore but then I realized for him to be here with me, ment he left everyone else back home.

“W-what happened?” He shrugged.

“One minute I was looking through the fridge the next minute I was getting up off the floor looking at – “ I saw the tears well up in his eyes.

“Tabby found me.” I sobbed for him, for Tabby, for Mom and for Dad and Nina.

“She was so scared I couldn’t help her – I couldn’t tell her I was okay.

“How did you find me, I mean there’s so many places and you ended up here?” I whispered.

“I just felt this magnetic pull towards this house I guess.. and why are you whispering?” He asked speaking rather loudly.

“Shhhhh.” I got up, covering his mouth with my hand. “They’ll hear you.” I felt the terror go through me as I realized night was starting to fall.

A worried look crossed his face.


“The – things the creatures.

“Creatures?” he whispered back as a huge wailing noise went off in the distance.

“Those – those things. Did you hear that?” 

He nodded gving me a fearful look. “Cmon’” I pulled him to my hiding place under the house for the night.

When morning came I showed him around and the things we could do. 

"I've been trying to communicate with you and Tabitha for months now, but I was unsuccessful everytime. I want you to try today, I'll show you what to do."

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