Chapter 1: Band Practice.

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Niall's POV
I sat on the couch in Logan's garage drumming my fingers across the milk crate that sat in front of me, the soft thumping it made seem to keep me calm and lost in my thoughts that were swirling around my head. You could say I was early for band practice or more true to that was the fact Logan always ran late even though the practices were held at his house. I jumped startled from the movement of the door opening, her bright smile already lighting up the room as she walked in. "Hey, sorry we're a little late, traffic." She mumbled as she walked in closer, tying her light blonde hair with the pink and blue stripes into a messy bun, plopping down on the couch beside me. "Logan had to go change so he'll be down in a bit." She wiggled her eyebrows at me a few times, giggling.
"It's alright, I haven't been here long." I bit my lip, lying obviously, I had been here waiting for almost an hour but somehow I dismissed everything when she said sorry about it. I can't exactly explain it but I get this feeling of relief from anything when she came into sight. "So, I wrote up some knew lyrics for the new song, want to see them?" I asked her head immediately nodding as I started to dig through my bag pulling out the folder with my music hidden deep inside. "Here" I handed it to her taking a deep breath. I watched as her eyes traced over the words I'd spent the previous night staying up late to write.
"Grab your guitar and strum this for me would you?" Her soft multi-colored blue eyes looked to me, smiling. I nodded in her direction taking out my guitar and setting it across my lap as I started to move my fingers playing the cords soft for now, the intention later on to be faster and louder. 'Don't matter white, green or blue. I'll cut, crush, parachute you. I'll just bottle it up, hope all is fine. Bottled it up, til next columbine. Call me crazy, but I know I'm just fine no fear in dilated eyessss. You just bottle it up, take it out on others. Let's quit the torture, I'm running out of close friends' she sang the beginning exactly as I remembered writing it before I came in to sing my part.
'Lost for days in my synthetic maaaaze. Turned 18, and I quit pushing weight. Father please, wash away my sins. I'm twisted, down and strung out. Finding out what life's all about.' I took a soft breath before our voices came together to sync into the perfect harmony match. 'If you bottled it up, it's not worth losing. Bottle it up, but you won't stop using. I've been around the block more than few times, lost for days in my synthetic maze. Father please, wash away my sins away.' with my voice fading away as she finished it off with a soft 'Father please wash away my sins.' I was so lost in the moment but soon loud clapping filled the room, leading up to the door broke me from my dazed thoughts.
"Bravo bravo." Logan sneered as he walked into the garage more, "I have to admit I'm jealous of the way you guys sing and my voice sounds like a dying ghost." I shook my head looking down at my lap, he may be my best friend but he was stupid, ghost were already died idiot.
"Oh babe, it does not." She spoke getting up from the couch and standing on her tippy toes to peck his lips, in which he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her in for a deeper kiss but she pushed away shaking her head. "Stop.. Niall is right there..." She never was one who was big on a public displays of affection from him, even if it was just me. He rolled his eyes, shrugging before stepping away and walking closer to me and putting his hand out for a manly handshake in which I did.
"Alright get this band practice starting I can't wait to play the sick drumming for that sick song, bruh." Do you really have to use the word sick so many times? He grabbed his drum sticks sitting behind the drums as he counted us off the practice finally beginning.

(Woo, recently starting Wattpad again. If any of you are interested, the song Niall 'wrote' in this chapter is called Drugstore Diet by Anarbor. Thanks for reading!)

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