Chapter 1

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It was my first time going back to Forks. I missed the place so much. Going back is like a dream come true. As soon as I saw Bella my heart skipped a beat and I immediately ran towards her dropping my bags when I got to her, hugging her as tight as I could. She did the same. One thing for sure is I was going to do the same with dad. Oh yeah by the way Bella is my sister and Charlie is my dad.

We had made it back to the house. I was so excited to see dad again for the first time in well forever. I ran inside the beautiful house and ran towards Charlie hugging him as tight as I could. Then I saw Jacob. I ran towards him so excited to see him. "Olivia! I'm so happy to see you." He said as he threw his arms around me.

Tears started flowing down my cheeks like a river on a stormy day. I was so happy to see everyone. Once I had calmed down a bit Charlie took me to my room. It was Bella's old room. I had noticed that she was wearing a wedding ring but I didn't know who she was married to. All I knew is that I had a lot of catching up to do.

—at school weeks after—

It was my first day and I had already blended in quite well. I didn't like to stand out in a crowd. I more of go with the flow. I knew that Bella wasn't going to be there because she graduated before I came. Then someone noticed me. I didn't want that to happen. "Hey you must be new right. Well I'm Embry Ellen nice to meet you." She said with a cheerful smile
"Nice to meet you I'm Olivia Swan." I replied smiling back at her. She had walked with me all the way to home room. I had thanked her and she wandered of to her class. I had just been seated when someone walked in.


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